Happy New Year 2018 from all Centre O Team!

Happy New Year from Centre O

We wish you a Happy New Year and may it be full of prosperity, success and more businesses. Further, We are looking forward to supporting your businesses in Hong Kong.  And, we are excited to share with you new exciting services and projects in 2018.
Also, You are warmly invited to celebrate the new year over a drink with us on 12 January at The Cottage. We hope to see you there or to another event hosted by the team here at Centre O. Remember to follow our Facebook page, check our website and Meetup to stay in touch with our many events.

You can read more about our event here:


Again, Cheers and Happy New Year

From Centre O


18届香港文具展将从8日日一月至11个月的,今年将在香港会议展览中心举行,将会有超过 255 家参展商。此外,仅限年满 18 岁的专业观众免费入场。在这个展览中,您可以找到 DIY 用品、钢笔和学习用品。如果您从事办公用品业务,那么这个展览是扩展您的产品的理想场所。

Hong Kong Stationery fair

Hong Kong Stationery fair is back

The 18th Hong Kong Stationery Fair will be held from the 8th of January to the 11th of January. This year it will be in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. More, the admission is only free for trade visitors who are 18 years or older. Also, there will be over 255 exhibitors. At this exhibit, you can find DIY supplies, pens, and school supplies. So, if you are in this office supply business, then this exhibit is the perfect place to expand your products.

Details about Hong Kong Stationery Fair

Last, you can learn more about the event here:


We hope this event will be helpfull.


股东在公司的股份(其股份)的价值可能会涨有跌。举个简单的例子,约翰和玛丽各拥有商誉公司的一半股份;本公司股本为500,000港元,分为50,000股,每股10港元。因此,该公司的交易资本为 500,000 港元,约翰和玛丽各拥有 25,000 股。玛丽和约翰的最高责任为 250,000 港元(25,000 股 x 每股 10 港元)。虽然股份的面值为10港元,但股份的实际价值由市值决定。经过数年经营,商誉有限公司已将资产价值提升至2,000,000元港币,其股份的市值已升至 40 港元(2,000,000 港元/25,000 股)。玛丽和约翰的股票现在价值超过 200 万港元。
您有与股票价值相关的问题吗?可通过 sales@centreo.hk 或 +852 31242888 提问,我们很乐意回答任何问题。

Value of Shares

The value of a shareholder’s stake in the company (their share) can rise and fall. For a quick example, John and Mary each own half of the shares of the Goodwill Company Ltd.; this company has shared capital of HK$500,000, divided into 50,000 shares of HK$10 each. The company therefore has a capital of $500,000 for trading and John and Mary each own 25,000 shares. The maximum liability for Mary and John is $250,000 each (25,000 shares x HK$10 each). While the nominal value of shares is HK$10, the actual value of the share is determined by the market value. After several years of business, the Goodwill Company Ltd. has raised its asset value to HK$2,000,000. The market value for their shares has gone up to HK$40 (HK$2,000,000/25,000 shares). Mary and John’s shares are now worth over 2 Million HK dollars.

Do you have questions related to share value? We will be pleased to answer any questions at sales@centreo.hk or  +852 31242888.

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:

Business Registration Ordinance for Company

What are the requirements of choosing Company Secretary?

What are Hong Kong Limited Company Annual Obligations?



For small business, debt recovery is a major issue. This is especially stressful when margins are tight.

Understanding how to deal with late payments and debts is crucial to managing a company efficiently. In order to prevent late payment issues, you can take a number of steps. The first one being conducting background checks on customers. This will ensure you are not collecting customers who are notorious for not paying on time or have any outstanding court judgments against them. Secondly, ensure that every customer is issued a Sale of Goods Agreement or Supply of Services Agreement. Chase payments by issuing invoices in a timely manner and keep records of all invoices issued and paid. If you do not chase up invoices, overdue payments letters are also a good way to remind customers to pay. If necessary, accepting payments in installations is a good way to avoid taking legal action.

For company needs and business help like these, contact The Centre O Business Centre by email: sales@centreo.hk or call us at +852 31242888 so we can help get take the stress out of establishing your company in Hong Kong.

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:

Step 1 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company

Step 2 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company

Step 3 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company


对于此类公司需求和业务帮助,请通过电子邮件联系 Center O 商务中心:sales@centreo.hk 或致电+852 31242888 与我们联系, 以便我们帮助您减轻在香港设立公司的压力。