你好,我叫Todd Underwood,是 Center O 的创意战略实习生,在这里与你谈谈品牌。
品牌必须令人难忘,这样才能让吸引眼球和保持关注度,品牌还需要通过在其所代表业务的各个方面表现出勤奋和关怀来吸引人。例如,Center O 不间断地工作,提供企业生存和发展所必需的服务,他们的标志需要展示他们对客户永无止境的奉献精神。它还需要创造一个快乐和谦逊的环境,为了实现这些目标,徽标必须流行。它还需要非常快速地被识别,如果消费者可以更快地识别公司徽标,那么他们很可能会在类似产品上选择它。Center O 在这方面表现出色,因为橙色圆圈非常独特和有趣。如果一个品牌能够实现这些品质,它们将更加令人难忘。形状是发展公司品牌的主要工具,但这不是唯一的因素,颜色与形状一样重要,甚至更重要。颜色创造情感,可以以多种不同的方式使用。文字大小和字体也是关键因素,这可能是设计徽标中最难的部分,因为要想成功,它必须在任何尺寸下都清晰易读。
我认为我已经通过重新设计徽标扩展和增强了 Center O 的品牌(使最重要的品牌更容易被整个圆圈识别并通过渐变添加更多流行元素),销售工具包(现在具有曲线和圆圈,而不是笔直的块状形状)、全新的欢迎套件(包括欢迎小册子、明信片、贴纸和挂绳)和海报(目前装饰办公室墙壁)。希望这些新的变化能够为Centre O 未来几年的繁荣而受到欢迎。
Todd Underwood- The Creative Strategy Trainee
Hello, my name is Todd Underwood, the Creative Strategy Trainee at Centre O, and I’m here to talk to you about branding.
The idea is to catch and keep attention. Branding has to be unforgettable. It also needs to be attractive by showing diligence and care in every aspect of the business it represents. For example, Centre O works nonstop, providing services that are necessary for businesses to survive and thrive. Their logo needs to demonstrate their never-ending dedication to clients. It also needs to create a happy and humble environment. In order to achieve these goals, a logo has to pop. It also needs to be recognizable very quickly. If consumers can identify a company logo quicker, chances are they’ll pick it over a similar product. Centre O excels in this area, because the orange circle is very unique and interesting. If a brand can achieve these qualities, they’ll be much more memorable. Shape is a major tool in developing a company’s brand, but it isn’t the only factor. Color is just as or more important than shape. Color creates emotion, which can be used in a plethora of different ways. Text Size and typeface are also key factors. This is probably the hardest part in designing a logo, because to be successful, it must be legible at any size.
I like to think I have expanded and enhanced Centre O’s branding through the redesign of the logo (making the most important piece of branding more recognizable with the full circle and adding a little more pop with the gradient), the sales kit (which now features curved lines and circles instead of straight, blocky shapes), a brand new welcome kit (including a welcome booklet, postcards, stickers, and a lanyard) and posters (currently decorating the office walls). Hopefully these new changes will be well received for the coming years of prosperity at Centre O.
All of the information in this blog helped me become a better designer and is still useful in my everyday work. Thanks for reading!
Elizabeth Oxley- First Impression Trainee
My name is Elizabeth Oxley and I am from Memphis, Tennessee, USA. I am a junior at Sewanee: The University of the South, located south of Nashville. I am a Global Studies Major, concentrating on global capitalism and culture, and an Asian studies minor. I chose Hong Kong because of its reputation on the global stage, the plethora of cultures that exist within the city, and that it is located in Asia! I chose to come work at Centre O this summer mainly because of its location in Hong Kong, but the small medium enterprise size and business centre aspect also aided in my decision. An internship at a company this size has given me a comfortable, intimate space to ask questions and learn about global business.
At Centre O, I am the First Impressions Trainee, which means I am doing mainly admin work and interacting with clients at the reception. This includes answering phone calls, customer service, and hand delivering documents to different locations in Hong Kong. I also act as a front desk officer, greeting customers and ensuring their time at Centre O is comfortable and pleasant. This has taught me the importance of face value and how important it is to smile and have lots of energy when talking to customers. This kind of work has helped me to get a hands on experience in the world of business in Hong Kong. I am really enjoying learning about the differences in office culture. The differences between here and the States are more than I expected. Certain things that I would say, do, or how I act do not translate over to the Hong Kong office as they would in the US office. Such as the difference between “please hold” and “will you please hold?”. In the States, it is the same thing, but in Hong Kong they believe that one is more polite than the other. In addition, I am also enjoying learning how different the legal aspect of business is here versus in the United States. Incorporation here is much smoother and painless than it is in the states and I can easily understand Hong Kong’s appeal to foreign business owners.
In conclusion, I believe my time in Hong Kong has been a huge learning experience. I’ve gained more independence, learned about business, and learned a lot about Asia. This has been a truly unique experience and something I could never learn in a classr
我的名字是 Elizabeth Oxley,来自美国田纳西州的孟菲斯。我是 Sewanee: The University of the South 的一名大三学生,位于纳什维尔以南。读的是全球研究专业,专注于全球资本主义和文化,辅修亚洲研究。我选择香港是因为它在全球舞台上享有盛誉,这座城市拥有丰富的文化,而且它位于亚洲!今年夏天我选择来Center O工作主要是因为它位于香港,并且中小企业的规模和商业中心方面也帮助了我的决定。在这种规模的公司实习给了我一个舒适、私密的空间来提问和了解全球业务。
在 Center O,我是第一印象实习生,这意味着我主要从事行政工作并在接待处与客户互动。这包括接听电话、客户服务以及将文件专人送达香港的不同地点。我还担任前台人员,向客户致意并确保他们在 Center O 的时候舒适愉快。这教会了我面子价值的重要性,以及在与客户交谈时微笑和精力充沛的重要性。这种工作帮助我在香港的商业世界中获得了实践经验。我真的很喜欢了解办公室文化的差异,这里和美国之间的差异超出了我的预期。我会说,做的某些事情,或者我的行为方式不会像在美国办公室那样转化为香港办公室。比如“请稍等”和“能麻烦您稍等一下吗?”的区别。在美国也是一样,但在香港,他们认为一个比一个更有礼貌。此外,我也很高兴了解这里的商业法律方面与美国相比有何不同,在这里注册比在美国注册要顺利和轻松得多,我现在理解为什么香港对外国企业家的吸引力。
Josephine Lau – The Business Facilitator
Interns are like MINIONS.
We’re half way into the Summer, it’s always a great time to bring on extra help, while the interns are looking for chances to ‘test out’ themselves and experience a whole new environment from what they have been used to. This year we happen to have 5 minions joining the team, all well motivated and enthusiastic about their tasks, coming in with happy faces into the organization everyday.
When hiring an intern, the process is similar to hiring any full time employee. Prepare yourself in advance that most likely they won’t be as qualified, skilled or experienced. Find out their traits, characteristics and potentials; social and technical skills, eagerness to learn, willingness to accept positive and negative feedback and the ability to follow instructions and complete a task.
While working with them, best to get right to the issues, explain the expected outcome, methods to perform, overall purpose, the skills necessary to accomplish the goals, milestones, and deadlines. You will need to be quick on accessing to the interns’ performance, their strengths and weaknesses, to decide if the tasks given are suitable and the amount of time invested in them is enough.
My conclusion from working with the minions this Summer would be: each and every one of them are cute and lovable to work with and add a unique flare to the office environment.
我们已经进入暑期的一半,这总是带来额外帮助的好时机,而实习生正在寻找机会“测试”自己并体验一个全新的环境。今年我们刚好有 5 名小黄人加入了团队,他们都对自己的任务充满热情,每天都带着快乐的面孔进入组织。
Meet The Centre O Summer Team!
Hey Everyone!
In the following weeks we are going to be doing a blog series of meeting the interns behind the Summer 2017 Centre O team. We want everyone to get to know the faces that help with our provided services and everyday operations building the backbone of Centre O!
Hope you enjoy!
来见见 CENTER O 夏季团队!
在接下来的几周内,我们将制作一系列博客,与 2017 年夏季 Center O 团队背后的实习生会面。我们希望每个人都能了解这些面孔,他们有助于我们提供的服务和日常的运营,是有助于建立 Center O 的骨干!
香港运动休闲展即将举行。 如果您喜欢运动和享受乐趣,那么这个展会适合您!
时间:7 月 21 日至 24 日,上午 10 点至晚上 8 点