
我们可以为您的公司处理会计和审计,请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系,获取更多信息。

For Accounting & Auditing, is it possible to use receipts and invoices in another language than English?

You have to use English or Chinese, otherwise it has to be translated officially or by your own mean. Hong Kong accountants have to be able to understand what is happening and the purpose of your invoices and receipts in order to classify them properly.

We can handle Accounting & Auditing for your company, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk for more information.

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:

How to maintain & upkeep my business ?

What Expenses Can Your Business Claim in Hong Kong?

Double Taxation Relief


Center O 是波兰华沙谷歌校园的嘉宾
Center O 是波兰华沙谷歌校园的嘉宾
U Select 上环盛大开幕!
U Select 上环盛大开业!

Don’t Miss the Cheung Chau Bun Festival

Cheung Chau Bun Festival is from 30th April to 5th May 2017. More than a century ago, the villagers originally paraded and hoped to drove the plague and evil spirits away.

You can enjoy the children dress up in costumes in the Piu Sik Parade and feel the excitement during the Bun Scrambling Competition. This is the trademark of this festival. Imagine a huge bamboo mountains covered with handmade buns! It is located near the Pak Tai Temple where the majority of the celebrations are.

Compete and collect buns as many as possible:)

Cheung Chau Bun Festival is a lively and wonderful festival, it’s a golden chance for you to experience Hong Kong culture!

Centre O is a guest at Google Campus Warsaw, Poland

Centre O is a guest at Google Campus Warsaw, Poland

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Kung Hei Fat Choi!

Grand opening of U Select in Sheung Wan!

Grand Opening of U Select in Sheungwan!

I don’t have a Company Bank Account yet, but I have employees in Hong Kong. How can I enroll my company and employees to MPF without a Company Bank Account?

Company enrollment and monthly MPF payment always have to be made through a Hong Kong Company Bank Account. MPF doesn’t accept any cash or other payment ways. Therefore, you can enquire for payroll services where the MPF payment will go through this Hong Kong company. After a couple of months, when you get your own Company Bank Account, you can simply change the MPF enrollment to your Bank Account.

Centre O handles Payroll and MPF enrollment for your company, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk for more details.

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:


What is MPF ?

How to prepare the employment contract?

I have an Investment firm in Hong Kong with a SFC license, can I open up a new division for recruiting under the same company?

Companies Registry will not care of what licenses you are applying for your businesses. But according to SFC regulations, you are not allowed to run another type of business under the SFC regulated company. In case you need to start a recruiting business, you will have to incorporate a new Hong Kong Limited Company.

For more information about licenses for your company, please contact us at sales@centreo.hk or call us directly at 3124 2888.

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:
http://centreo.hk/a-small-reminder-about-company-incorporation-basic-rules-and-advises-for-shareholders-and-directors/ http://centreo.hk/relocating-business-hong-kong/

Starting a recruiting company in Hong Kong


香港是一个巨大而多样的市场!这个特别的活动是献给创意人士的。5 月 6 日星期六,中午 12 点至下午 4 点在坚尼地城的 “香港创客蜂巢” 参加手工艺品展“与工匠会面”,探索手工艺之美。
Center O 认识一些手工艺者,我们保证您会留下深刻印象!