The photo requirements for China Visa Application

From 15th December 2016, applicants should follow the updated photo requirements below when handing in the China Visa Application. Otherwise, the application will be discarded.Here are the photo requirements.
1. Color photo should be recent, taken within the past six months

2. Photo size should be 48mm high X 33mm wide;
the width of the face measures between 15-22mm;
the height of the face measures between 28-33mm from chin to the crown of head;
the space between the crown and the upper edge of the photo should be between 3mm to 5mm;
the space between the chin and the bottom edge of the photo should be more than 7mm.

3. The applicant is required to present the frontal view to the camera with the entire head and face clearly visible;
the facial expression must be neutral with eyes open, mouth close and ears visible;
there should not be visible distortion of the facial feature;
the head position: less than 20 degree for left or right tilt (Yaw and Roll) and less than 25 degree for up or down tilt(Pitch).

4. The face should be centred in the image all the features clearly visible and natural skin tone;
no hair accessories are allowed, and eye-glasses should be removed if they reflect light and distort the applicant’s eyes;
hats or other head coverings are only allowed if worn for religious reasons and if they do not obscure any facial features.

5. The photo should have no damage or impurities, no background light or shadow over face. There should not be over- or under-exposure.

6. The background of the photo should be white or close to white with no borders around the edge of the images

7. The photo should be use glossy finish photographic paper, no matte-finish ones; no stain, crease or scratch.

To ensure the successful China Visa application, kindly double check before handing in the documents.

We arrange both business or tourist visas for you to travel to China. Please contact us at for more information!
#CentreO #HongKongEntrepreneurs #BusinessCentre #ChinaVisaApplication

Why serviced office has high security?

Serviced office allows you to concentrate on work in a private space with all necessary facilities and network with other entrepreneurs. For us, we are not only aiming to provide comfortable working environment, but also offer high security offices. In the office, we have the CCTV cameras, door taps and lockers to protect your belongings.

• CCTV cameras: In order to balance in between privacy and security, we have installed CCTV cameras in the common area. The cameras are on 24 hours.
• Access card: Clients only enter certain office room with their own access card.
• Lockers: We provide pedestals with keys for clients to keep their belongings and documents in a safe place.

Come to visit our office space by emailing at or visit for more business supporting services.
#CentreO #HongKongEntrepreneurs #BusinessCentre #ServicedOffice


税务局正式宣布,2017 年 4 月 1 日起,商业登记费将从 250 港元上调至 2,250 港元。
Center O现在就可以帮助您注册香港有限公司。请在此处查看我们的注册套餐的详细信息:。
如果您现在想注册您的香港有限公司,请通过 与我们联系,我们将在 2 个工作日内为您安排!
Centre O 服务:有限公司

Incorporate Your Hong Kong Company Now Before the Fee Rise Up of HK$2,000!!!

The Inland Revenue Department officially announced that the Business Registration fee will rise up from HK$250 back to HK$2,250 from April 1st 2017.

Incorporate your HK Limited Company Now thanks to Centre O. Check out the details of our Incorporation package here:

Please contact us at if you wish to incorporate your HK Limited Company NOW, we will arrange it for you within 2 working days!

You may also be interested in these articles about Hong Limited Company Incorporation:

A small reminder about Company Incorporation: basic rules and advises for shareholders and directors


I already subscribed to a Pension Fund in my home country; do I still need to enroll for Hong Kong MPF?

As long as your home country’s pension fund is approved by Hong Kong government, you can definitely continue using your home country’s pension system.

You need payroll or MPF for your employees? Contact us at and we can arrange the monthly payments for you!

#Payroll #MPF #HongKong #Business #CentreO #TheHongKongResourceCentre

Needing Consultation for Bank Account Opening?

What kind of documents do I need to prepare?
What will be ask by the bank officer during the bank interview?
Who will be responsible to be present?

We provide Bank Introducer Service to help you to have a comprehensive understanding of company bank account opening. Within the service, we offer pre-bank interview consultation. Here are the things we will go through with you.

1. Prepare you to what will be happening during the 30 minutes bank interview appointment.
2. In case the bank may have questions, we will prepare you to those questions.
3. What the bank is looking at exactly when a new HK Limited company opens a bank account.
4. What paper/forms you need to prepare with the bank officer during the appointment

If you need some support on bank account opening, we can help you out! Contact us at for more details.
#CentreO #HongKongEntrepreneurs #BusinessCentre #BankAccountOpening