SME Marketing Fund

Are you a Hong Kong SME targeting markets outside Hong Kong? If so, did you know that you could be supported for your online & offline advertising? Did you know that you could also obtain support for setting up or enhancing your website?

Hong Kong government is supporting SMEs that are dealing with markets outside Hong Kong. Indeed, nowadays, online advertising is essential for every company! But it is usually difficult and expensive for small companies to invest in this kind of advertising. They usually start with very basic websites, but in order to be recognized and to build up your brand identity, a qualitative website is favoured!

Scope of this fund:

  1. Placing advertisements on printed trade publications
  2. Placing advertisements: keyword search, listing product information, setting up or enhancing online shop, etc., conducted through electronic platforms/media
  3. Setting up or enhancement of a corporate website which mainly target at markets outside Hong Kong


Conditions of this fund:

  1. Being a Hong Kong ID Card holder
  2. Being a SME targeting markets outside Hong Kong
  3. For setting up/enhancement of a corporate website, the domain name of the website must be owned by the applicant enterprise & the concerned website must contain information about the company, its products/services, and its Hong Kong contact information. The service provider must be an Information Technology company with a good track record.
  4. There is no limit on the number of applications by an enterprise for EMF grants so it can be applied on recurrent and non recurrent fees, although each enterprise has a cumulative limit of HK$200,000.


Application procedure and process:

Enterprises should submit an application for grant within 60 calendar days after the completion date of the relevant project on setting up/enhancing the corporate website of the applicant enterprise By Mail at the following address: 15/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon City, Hong Kong.

Processing will take within 30 clear working days from the date of receipt of the duly completed application.


For further details on the application and process, please visit: .

We want the best for you to have an effective online marketing!


’10 Must Do’s for Successful Pitch’

Pitch is always a struggle to prepare and write down, but also so crucial to be recognized, on above all in the eyes of new comers, investors or during a networking event. Here you go with 10 nice tips that will help you out to elaborate your pitch at best!

#1 The Core of your Project

#2 Your Target Customers

#3 Your Team

#4 Express the Problem

#5 Give Your Solutions

#6 Your Competitive Advantage

#7 Milestones

#8 Be inspiring and influencing

#9 Train to be short and precise

#10 Questions

Writing your pitch properly takes you too much time? We are here to handle your administrative procedures, and you will be able to focus on your business, because you are the expert! Contact us at or visit for more details.

#CentreO #BusinessCentre #StartUp

成功推介的 10 个必备条件

推销总是一个艰难的准备和进行,但对于被认可也至关重要,尤其是在新人、投资者或社交活动中。这里有 10 个不错的提示,它们将帮助你最好地阐述你的推销!
#1 项目的核心
#2 你的目标客户
#3 你的团队
#4 表达问题
#5 给出你的解决方案
#6 你的竞争优势
#7 里程碑
#8 激励和影响
#9 短而精准
#10 问题
写你的推销需要太多时间?在这里我们处理您的行政程序,您能够专注于您的业务,因为您是专家!联系我们 或浏览www.centreo.hk了解更多详情。
#CentreO #商业中心 #初创公司