The Importance of Office Interiors and Image

Making the time and budget available for an office refurbishment doesn’t always come top of your list of priorities, but it can benefit the business in a number of ways. It doesn’t have to involve a huge degree of upheaval, and using an office refurbishment company can take away some of the stress. If you notice some of these tell-tale signs, then it’s probably time to plan in a refurbishment. That’s why centre o connect has taken that step forward already to save costs and time. Below questions and explains why:

1. Does the Interior reflect my business?

The interior of your office space is not just there as a practical element; it’s a statement about your business. As such, what you put into office space needs to reflect the image of the company and make the right first impression on visitors, potential clients and new employees. If your office looks outdated and is in need of improvements, then it’s probably not the image you want to portray. Whatever industry you operate in, your design and furniture should be of a high quality and durable enough to cope with heavy usage. centre o connect has the best modern furniture for its offices and rooms to portray a professional and comfortable working environment. The designs and layout are professionally viewed and it is always agreed that everything seems brand new and in great fit to work in.

2. Is my business keeping up with current technology?

The technology that we use in the workplace is constantly evolving and improving. If your office has most up-to-date innovations, it can dramatically increase productivity levels and improve the service that you provide to your clients. An office refurb is one of the best times to have new technology installed, as it can fit in better with the surroundings. If you need to retrofit the equipment into an existing space, you will always have to work with whatever is already there, rather than creating a more bespoke and usable layout. centre o connect has the most updated tech to allow fast and effective communication with our clients

3. The Business is Growing, more space?

Working areas within an office can quickly become cramped if you have to rapidly take on more employees due to growth. This doesn’t create a healthy environment for workers, and existing colleagues can start to become resentful about the new conditions. Even if you are unable to move out of your existing building, an office refurbishment can help to create more useable space. For example, you could maximize your storage space to open up more working areas. centre o connect provides many options such as larger serviced office rooms, cowork space area, storage facilities, etc.

4. Working Conditions Need Improving?

Employees today demand a lot more from their employer than just an office space. If you want to attract and retain the best workers, then you need to have first-class facilities. This not only includes areas that generate a productive workforce, but also spaces for people to relax in and meet colleagues. Different companies will have varying requirements, but you should be looking at the social spaces you have available, as well as the kitchen and bathroom facilities. Breakout areas make good use of space, as they can be used for impromptu meetings as well somewhere for workers to eat or enjoy a coffee break. We provide spacious and open pantry spaces which are supplied with unlimited coffee and available drinks and snacks. We know that people need a break from work so there are multiple activities you can do to relax such as read up on our daily newspapers, watch some TV, have a chat with in house clients, etc.

5. Accommodate for new trends?

Modern offices have a different look and feel to the facilities that were common a number of years ago. As a business, it’s important to keep up with the latest interior-design trends. This is very much focused on the layout of offices, so taking the time and effort to plan an office refurb can benefit your business greatly. We have moved away from small, independent offices to more open-plan and communal ways of working. For many offices, somewhere in between the two is the optimum layout. An office refurbishment company will understand exactly what will work with your requirements, and they can help source the right furniture, technology and other supplies. centre o connect only has the best business and friendly trends of designs to lighten any working or social mood.



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