Centre O provides registered office services in order to help business owners. Companies can avoid the outrageously prohibitive cost of business accommodation in Hong Kong especially during their startup stage.
The Registered Office Services include:
- Prestigious Registered office address
- Personal, banks and Government mail and small parcels handling with email notification
- Re-direction Services via local or international courier
- Letters opened, scanned and emailed for immediate viewing
Ultimately, the Registered Office Service is a perfect antidote to the high set up cost for entrepreneur. Saving costs and energy of needing to rent and renovate a whole office space, as well as, keeping payroll low from hiring an administrative staff to report to work daily, handling any incoming posts and parcels.
What are Registered office address?
Under Section 658 of the Companies Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong, every Hong Kong Company must maintain a local registered address. That is, the business address for maintaining statutory records of the company and receipt of acknowledging government’s correspondences. Meanwhile, the Registered Address must be a local physical address, instead of a PO box.
For further information, please contact us.