Why you need to tap into Asian Market through Hong Kong?

Absolute advantage of Hong Kong

Hong Kong is the great gateway to access Asian market. Stepping in Hong Kong as a pedal is smart strategy for most international companies. Hong Kong has an unbeatable prime location in Asia and also has a good connection with the rest of the world. Besides the absolute advantage of the location, Hong Kong has developed infrastructures, flexible circulation of goods, simple and direct tax system and a business-friendly atmosphere. Also Hong Kong ranks as the world’s 3rd easiest place to do business according to the World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 Report. 

Unique Asian Market

Perhaps you are doing very successful business in European or American Market. However, sticking on your success strategy doesn’t mean it works in Asia. Because the consumer needs, behaviour, practice or regulations are not the same as your market. So, no matter how good it proved in your own place. Still, you need to custom made a new approach for Asian Market. 

Asian Approach

Direct investments in specific areas are also becoming more frequent, often targeting mainland China, or Vietnam. Still, accessing the Asian market from Europe or US comes with some challenges. Entrepreneurs should seek proper advice and bear in mind cultural, tax, and legal factors.

Proper Advice

Middle class is growing rapidly in Asian especially in China. The strong internal consumption is attracting more and more international businesses to share a slice of the cake. China used to be the only option for production or manufacturing industry. Nowadays, the investment on Business Service, Financial Sector and Information Technology are becoming prevailing trend. So, entrepreneurs should get the up-to-date information, understand the market and modify the business strategy by a tailor made approach.

Centre O as a Business Facilitator

Centre O has been lining businesses up by providing helpful resource and connections since 2010. If you want to entering China market. It can be very difficult and intimidating. However, Centre O can assist you with a hand-picked, tightly-knitted network business partners in China. No matter you want to establish a Representative Office or a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise. Let Centre O help you to tap into the endless possibilities.

For further information, please contact us.


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