Any place your prospects spend time and look for information has the potential to be a strong marketing channel for your business. Consider that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, approximately 33 percent of all online activity is spent watching video content, and that 75 percent of users visit a their website after viewing a video.
Businesses are flocking to video content marketing as an efficient and wickedly effective content tactic.
Audiences are about 10 times more likely to engage, share, and comment on video content than blogs or related social posts. YouTube is not just an online video; it’s also a powerful social media platform. YouTube advertising is meant to drive both engagement and calls to action. Increased engagement leads to increased sharing, which leads to increased long-term views and social interaction.
All of your social media including YouTube should be interconnected by branding, links and content that makes sense for your business. They should also all support the main goals of your business and focus on the presentation of valuable content to your customers.
YouTube is a community made of real people and they want to see, hear and interact with other real people. The connection to your business becomes much more powerful if someone in your organization becomes the face of your company. It changes the dynamic of the interaction from looking at videos from yet another company to building a relationship with a human. Relationship building becomes a long term strategy that can acquire your company customers for life.
YouTube videos allow people to connect with your business on a deeper level. You are no longer just words on a paper.
Let your viewers see you on person, a project or telling how you started your business.
To be more efficient and have the best results, here are few tips:
Unique: Videos must be unique otherwise they have no chance of standing out against of other videos.
Simplicity: Video content must be short and simple. Users want to be able to click on something, share, and move on. For best results, keep videos under 1 minute.
Create content: You want people to view your videos and follow through with an actionable response. Instead, focus on creating meaningful content by asking yourself the following questions before creating any video: Is this video relevant to my audience? Will they find it exciting or informative?
Systematically produce content: While many companies are good at creating quality videos, few are successful at consistently creating quality videos. Much like you do with your social media accounts and blogs, you need to invest in consistent content if you want to build an engaged community.