
据法国领事馆称,在香港的法国侨民人数正在增加,目前估计有17,000人居住在香港。 香港对很多法国年轻人来说仍然是一个可行的选择,因为法国的气氛并不轻松,增长也不如香港那么强劲。 这座城市的法国企业确实是香港国内生产总值的缩影。外籍人士已在各个行业开展业务,包[…]


According to the French consulate, the number of French expatriates in Hong Kong is increasing and there are currently an estimated 17,000 living in the city. Hong Kong remains a viable option for many French youths because the atmosphere in France is not easy, and growth is not as strong as it is in Hong …


感谢前来参加我们 5 月 22 日女性企业家活动的人。我们希望您喜欢与我们共度的时光并了解一些重要信息。 希望在我们即将举行的活动中再次见到您。 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面: http://www.meetup.com/Multi-网络的商务社区/[…]

What’s new at Centre O Connect Business Centre??

Starting from today, Centre O Connect Business Centre will give you the opportunity to win HK$100 Pacific Coffee Voucher. All you have to do is drop your business card or contact info in our lucky draw box displayed in Sheung wan office !               24/f, suites 1-2 — 135 …


在香港,所有企业都通过投资和企业家计划下的签证申请。我们出色的合作伙伴兼香港签证专家 Stephen Barnes 将证实,做好准备和耐心会更好。无论您是想创办还是加入企业,移民局都需要大量文件以及签证申请表:商业计划书、营业额、财务资源、投资金额、在当地创造[…]

Government-Backed Programmes: Saviours of HK Investment Visa Appliers

In Hong Kong, all businesses have been through the Visa application under the Investment and Entrepreneur scheme. Stephen Barnes, our amazing partner and Hong Kong Visa specialist will confirm that it’s better to be ready and patient. Whether you’re wishing to establish or join a business, the Immigration Department requires a multitude of documents along …