HSBC Commerical Bank Account Opening Update

What to bring in for HSBC Commercial Bank account setup? As many of you are still enquiring about the latest requirements from banks, with the FATCA act in action, we’ve decided to write and updated blog on this. Before you head into the bank for company bank account opening, make sure you call in and …


汇丰商业银行开户需要带什么? 由于你们中的许多人仍在询问银行的最新要求,随着外国账户税收合规法案(FATCA)的实施,我们决定就此撰写和更新博客。 在您前往银行开立公司银行账户之前,请确保您提前致电并预约,不接受上门客户。同时,所有董事和股东必须出席银行任命。[…]