2020-2021 年商业登记费

香港财政司司长在 2020-2021 年预算案中建议宽免一年商业登记费。 根据该建议,就有效期在2020 年 4 月 1 日或之后到在 2021 年 4 月 1 日之前开始的商业登记及分行登记证须缴付的费用将分别宽减 2,000 港元和 73 港元。税务局根据[…]

Business Registration Fees for Year 2020-2021

The Hong Kong Financial Secretary proposed in his 2020-2021 budget to waive business registration fees for one year.   Starting from 1st April 2020. By the proposal, the fees payable in respect of business registration certificates and branch registration certificates. That commence on or after  1st April 2020 but before 1st April 2021. As a result, the sum …

为企业提供 1,375 亿港元的金融救助计划概览

立法会财务委员会于 2020 年 4 月 18 日批准了一项 1,375 亿元的财政纾困计划。因此,抗疫基金针对企业推出第二轮措施如下: 一、保留就业机会、创造就业机会和提高就业机会 政府将向 150 万工人支付 50%的工资,每月上限为 9,000 港元,为[…]


5月2日上午,创新科技署(ITC)举行了网络研讨会。 ITC 公布了远程营商 (D-Biz) 计划的IT服务提供商参考列表的申请详情。   D-Biz 计划的概述和目标 远程办公或服务成为疫情背景下的新趋势。在抗疫基金下,ITC 推出了 D-Biz 计划,以支[…]

D-Biz Programme for Service Providers Enrolment

On 2nd of May morning,  the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) held a Webinar. ITC announced the application details for IT Service Providers Reference List for the Distance Business (D-Biz) Programme for enrolment.   Overview and Objectives of D-Biz Programme Remote working or service has become a new trend against the backdrop of the epidemic. Under …

HK$137.5 billion financial relief package overview for businesses

The Legislative Council Finance Committee approved on 18 April 2020 a financial relief package of $137.5 billion. The Anti-epidemic Fund therefore rolled out the second round of measures for business as follows: Firstly, Job retention, Job creation and Job advancement Government to pay 1.5 million workers 50% of their wages, capped at HK$9,000 a month for …

Holding Annual General Meeting during COVID-19

What do you need to be aware of  when Holding Annual General Meeting during COVID-19. Annual General Meeting (AGM) provides one of the few opportunities shareholders have to question the board, engage directly with management, and hear the views of other shareholders. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 is causing companies to well plan ahead with …


要牢记的要点 即使这似乎是明智之举,除非完全有必要。否则,在最终决定之前,我们必须深思熟虑。在我们想继续前进并在香港取消公司注册之前,我们还需要考虑其他几点: 企业有义务提交任何未完成的年报,并根据《公司条例》履行其职责。在公司解散之前,提交注销申请。 查看宪[…]


在新冠疫情期间举行年度股东大会时需要注意什么。年度股东大会 (AGM) 是公司运营的一大重要会议,股东能够借此机会向董事会提出建议,参与公司决策,还能听取其他股东的意见。 随着新冠疫情的爆发,鉴于团体聚会和旅行限制,公司不得不提前做好 2020 年年度股东大会[…]


新型冠状病毒疫情给香港带来了一个特殊的挑战。创新及科技局局长杨伟文宣布,创新及科技局将拨款5亿元港币,推出远程商务(D-Biz)计划抗疫基金。为支持本地企业在疫情期间通过采用科技解决方案继续开展业务和服务。  概述和目标 远程办公或服务成为疫情背景下的新趋势。[…]