Hong Kong Government Special Work Arrangement Extended

The Government announced on 21st December 2021 that to further extend the special work arrangement for the public services. Aside from those providing emergency and essential public services, all government employees will continue to work from home until January 6 next year. Why extended the Special Work Arrangement? The decision was made because the local …


政府于2021年12月21日宣布,进一步延长公共服务特殊工作安排。除了提供紧急和必要的公共服务外,所有政府雇员将继续在家工作,直到明年1月6日。 为什么要延长特殊工作安排? 之所以做出此决定,是因为当地的疫情情况仍然很严峻。这些措施旨在显著减少人员流动和社会接[…]




Since March 2018, Company Registry (CR) imply Guideline on Compliance of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter -Terrorist Financing (CTF) Requirements for Trust or Company Services Providers. On the whole, there has been total of 1800 of TCSP licenses issued within the past 1.5 year. While there has been 1024 TCSP licensed operator being interviewed. Additionally, …

Hong Kong Monetary Authority Supports to SME during the COVID-19

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has working together with the banking sector.Subsequently, HKMA has taken a host of measures to support small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) and individuals in need. HKMA has in an effort to help Hong Kong’s economy ride through these difficult times.  How does the HKMA help local …


为应对新型冠状病毒疫情,香港金融管理局(金管局)与银行业积极合作,推出一系列措施来支援受影响的中小型企业(SME)和市民,协助社会各界渡过此次难关。 金管局如何协助银行支持客户? 金管局释放了1万亿港元的贷款空间 下逆转周期资本金1.5%个百分点 监管储备减半[…]

Registering your business website in China

China has rapidly become one of the biggest E-commerce markets in the world. As an entrepreneur, registering your business website may seem a must-to-do when entering the Chinese market. However, when you wanted to buy a domain name in China. The domain name must file the website with the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information …