Company Registration Vs. Trademark Registration

trademark registration

Quite a few people tend to confuse the two notions: company registration and trademark registration. Some even think they are the same and require one application.

This is not the case. Separate laws and systems regulate the registration of company names, business names and trademarks in Hong Kong.

Let’s say you want to register a business in Hong Kong.  You will have to apply at the Business Registration Office (Inland Revenue Department) to get the name of your business registered. However, this is not an indication of trademark rights.

The thing is: A Hong Kong business registration certificate or a company registration certificate does not by itself indicate that the business or company has rights to use its name or a trademark in promoting or dealing in goods and services.

Only a proper trademark registration is a guarantee of trademark rights.

Take a look at  for registered trademarks, owners/persons licensed to use the trademarks in Hong Kong.

Need more advice on company/business/trademark registration? Give us a shout at



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