The Increasing Importance of Video Marketing

More than 70% of professionals report that video converts better than any other medium.People would prefer watching a few minutes long video than spending 20 minutes reading texts. Benefits of video marketing YouTube alone has more than 4 billion views per day, and it’s the second largest search engine right after google. -Increase in brand awareness -Leading you to …

What You Need to Include in Your A&A

The Articles of Association must include the following mandatory articles: -The Company Name -Articles of a limited company must state that the liability of its members is limited, while articles of an unlimited company must state that the liability of its members is unlimited -Articles of a company limited by shares must state that the …


-公司名称 – 有限公司的章程必须注明其成员的责任是有限的,而无限公司的章程必须注明其成员的责任是无限的 -股份有限公司的条款必须说明,其成员的责任仅限于成员持有的股份的任何未付金额 – 担保有限公司的条款必须说明,作为公司股东的每个人[…]