What You Need to Include in Your A&A

The Articles of Association must include the following mandatory articles:

-The Company Name

-Articles of a limited company must state that the liability of its members is limited, while articles of an unlimited company must state that the liability of its members is unlimited

-Articles of a company limited by shares must state that the liability of its members is limited to any amount unpaid on shares held by the members

-Articles of a company limited by guarantee must state that each person who is a member of the company undertakes that if the company is wound up while the person is a member, or within one year after ceasing to be a member, that the person will contribute an amount required, not exceeding a specified amount, to the company’s assets

-Articles of a company with a share capital must state the capital and initial shareholdings

-Articles of an association to be incorporated with a licence granted under section 103, or of a company with such a licence must state the company’s objects whilst the licence remains in force

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