The business plan consists of: 1. Description of Company 2. Company Structure 3. Source of Funds 4. Target Clients 5. What Makes Your Company So Unique? 6. Related Experience 7. Your Financial Plan If you have any enquiries about making your business plan, please feel free to contact us :
Author Archives: admin
商业计划书包括: 一、公司介绍 2. 公司架构 3. 资金来源 4. 目标客户 5. 公司的独特之处? 6. 相关经验 7. 您的财务计划 如果您对制定商业计划有任何疑问,请随时联系我们
绿盒是以下的统称: 1. 圆印 2. 公司章程 3.公章 4. 公司注册证书 5. 商业登记证 6. 股权证簿 7. 签名印章 8. 法定账簿 9. 提交给公司注册处的决议副本 如果您对公司绿箱有任何疑问,请随时联系我们
商标是客户将您的企业的商品和服务与竞争对手的商品和服务区分开来的标志,通常称为品牌或品牌名称,可以是徽标、图形、签名或符号等形式。注册商标可以通过限制其他交易者使用与您的品牌相同或相似的名称或标志来保护您的品牌,这极大地阻碍了试图套用的造假者。 注册商标可[…]
What is Trademark?
A trademark is a sign for customers to distinguish your business’ goods and services from those of your competitors, it is often referred as a brand or brand name, and it can be in the form of a logo, graphic, signature or symbol etc. Registering a trademark allows you to protect your brand by restricting …
HSBC Commerical Bank Account Opening Update
What to bring in for HSBC Commercial Bank account setup? As many of you are still enquiring about the latest requirements from banks, with the FATCA act in action, we’ve decided to write and updated blog on this. Before you head into the bank for company bank account opening, make sure you call in and …
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汇丰商业银行开户需要带什么? 由于你们中的许多人仍在询问银行的最新要求,随着外国账户税收合规法案(FATCA)的实施,我们决定就此撰写和更新博客。 在您前往银行开立公司银行账户之前,请确保您提前致电并预约,不接受上门客户。同时,所有董事和股东必须出席银行任命。[…]
How important is a company secretary? Why does a Hong Kong limited company needs one?
Firstly, in Hong Kong, according to the Companies Ordinance, appointing a company secretary is mandatory, every company should have one. The secretary, if an individual must ordinarily reside in Hong Kong; or if a body corporate, must have its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong. The sole director of a private …
首先,在香港,根据《公司条例》,任命公司秘书是强制性的,每个公司都应该有一个。如果一个人必须必须常驻在香港,或如果是法人团体,则必须在香港设有注册办事处或营业地点。私人公司的唯一董事不能是公司秘书。 其次, 公司秘书 在公司或组织中扮演着复杂、多方面且非常重要[…]
Trademark Classifications in Hong Kong: Class 41 to 45
Class 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. This class covers mainly services provided by persons or institutions in the development of the mental faculties of persons or animals, as well as services intended to entertain or to engage the attention. Examples of companies and services: Stanford Swim School – Sports institution …
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