Author Archives: admin
Startup event : thank you all for coming !
Thank for those who came last night to our coworking space for the Startup event ! We hope you enjoyed the talk and the possibility to exchange views with others about how to launch successfully your business in Hong Kong. In order to stay always updated about next events like these, please check our MeetUp …
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感谢昨晚来到我们共享办公空间参加 Startup 活动的人! 我们希望您喜欢这次讲座,并希望您有机会与他人就如何在香港成功开展业务交换意见。 为了随时了解此类下一次活动的最新信息,请查看我们的 MeetUp 和 Eventbrite 页面: http://ww[…]
Strategy, market, project: what a business plan is
A business plan is a formal statement of business goals, reasons they are attainable, and plans for reaching them. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals and a strategic planning, an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating resources to …
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Working Holiday Visa application: Purpose of the scheme
As a general rule, any person other than those who have the right of abode or right to land in Hong Kong, must obtain a visa before coming to Hong Kong for the purpose of study, taking up employment, training, investment or residence. To get a work experience abroad represents a great occasion to strengthening …
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一般而言,除拥有香港居留权或登陆权者外,任何人来港学习、就业、培训、投资或居住前,均须取得签证。 在国外获得工作经验是加强您的文化和教育背景的绝佳机会:在国际化环境中成长可以让您更好地了解企业在不同国家的运作方式。与来自不同传统的人一起工作可以保持您的逻辑思维[…]
New ways of working
Share a coworking space in Centre O Coworking in Asia has become very popular since space is limited in major cities like Hong Kong. Dozens of coworking spaces have been set up to foster the rapidly growing startup community, according to Forbes it is among the leading tech locations in the world, along with Silicon …
在亚洲,由于像香港这样的主要城市的空间都是有限的,这让Centre O的共享办公空间变得非常受欢迎。据福布斯报道,已经建立了数十个共享办公空间来培育快速发展的创业社区,与硅谷和纽约一样,它是世界领先的科技地点之一。共享办公地点几乎遍及所有地区,随处可见,而大部[…]
5 steps to write a successful article
Do you really know what makes an article interesting? Make your message clear and useful for your audience! Following these simple suggestions, it will guarantee you to get great content. 1 Identifying the Audience An article is like a direct conversation with the reader. The first question you might ask yourself is who your readers …