
我们的团队想对您参加此次活动表示感谢。 这是一个创纪录的出席人数,我们肯定对站在房间里的所有人所创造的活力和热情印象深刻。 我们已经在筹备另一场活动,并与新客人和新主持人讨论商业投资签证。 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面: http://www.mee[…]


失去优秀的同事和员工是可怕的,而且这种体验几乎没有任何好处。 但无论经历多么不愉快,我们一如既往地受到鼓励,从中汲取一些积极的东西。 在这种特殊情况下, 上的一篇文章建议我们利用这个机会直接向即将离职的员工提出一些有关工作满意度和公司环[…]

Us citizen and you tend to travel a lot to CHINA? It’s the best time to apply for it under the new agreement.

There has been new policy for US passport applying for China Visa. The U.S. and China have mutually agreed to increase business and tourist visa validity to 10 years. The agreement, which went into force on March 9th, comes as an increasingly seek Chinese business and investment. The announcement came during a visit to China by US President …

Startup Weekend Approaches

This coming March Friday 13th, Startup Weekend announces it’s 54-hour startup competition allowing you to meet your potential co-founders, valid your startup idea and build your prototype.  Startup Weekend is a global movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community …


即将到来的 3 月 13 日星期五,Startup Weekend 宣布这是一项为期 54 小时的创业竞赛,让您可以结识潜在的联合创始人,验证您的创业想法并构建您的原型。  Startup Weekend 是一个全球性的活动,由活跃且有能力的企业家组成,他们正[…]