互联网在不断发展,而新的和创新的营销方法受到质疑。总会有新的方法来定位更多的受众,而视频营销是创建强大营销策略的方法。许多企业没有意识到视频营销的潜力,它是一种强大的方式,不仅可以宣传产品,还可以吸引贵公司的兴趣。 当今社会,人们越来越多地使用智能手机和平板电[…]
Author Archives: admin
When you have made an appointment to open a bank account, clients always seem to worry what they need to bring and what evidence is needed. Here is a quick guide to the key things and you will need to bring on the day: 1) Yourself 2) Your HKID card 3) Proof residential address proof …
当您预约开设银行账户时,客户似乎总是担心他们需要携带什么以及需要什么证据。这是关键事项的快速指南,您需要在当天携带: 1)你自己 2) 您的香港身份证 3)住址证明(他们更喜欢汇丰个人银行账户对账单) 4) 我们向您开具的公司注册和注册办公地址服务的发票 5)[…]
Inclusive Package: HK Company Incorp, Registered Office, Office Space, Bank Account Opening (Scenario)
A Client today enquired about setting up a business, registering a company address, opening a bank account and using one of our serviced office spaces. We were able to help the client out with the most cost effective solution. As she was just starting off her new company, our HKCI service provided her with all …
今天,一位客户询问有关设立公司、注册公司地址、开设银行账户和使用我们的服务式办公空间的事宜。 我们以最具成本效益的解决方案来帮助客户。由于她刚成立新公司,我们的 HKCI 服务可以为她提供合法拥有有限业务的所有正确文件,并提供开设公司银行账户所需的所有文件。因[…]
Virtual Offices (Scenario)
Due to recent and unfortunate events, many people have had to abandon the idea of commuting or have been forced to to work due to the road and path blockages. This has cost retailers millions and this leaves owners and employees in a difficult position. A simple solution would be using the idea of virtual …
由于最近发生的事件,许多人不得不放弃通勤的想法或因道路和路径堵塞而被迫工作。这使零售商损失了数百万美元,并使业主和员工处于困境。 一个简单的解决方案是使用虚拟办公室。这可以让您在家工作并持续专注于您的业务,而不是落在后面,需要匆忙赶上山上的工作。专业的接待员服[…]
O CONNECT: How flexible are you?
Full-time, part-time, hotdesking, freelance, flexitime, teleworking – these are just a small number of option available to professionals worldwide. And then there is project-based work, startups, pilot companies and more. What we know for sure is that working today is built on one strong principle: get the job done and the details: WHEREs, WHENs and …
今天,一位客户来到我们的服务式办公室。她不确定她在香港的大致逗留时间是短期还是长期。她还解释了她的团队是如何扩展的,因此不太确定她需要多少工作间。 一个简单的解决方案是向她介绍共享办公空间作为临时工作间,直到她对需要使用的服务房间的大小和未来的时间有了更明确的[…]