Centre O 服务:有限公司

(图片) Center O 很乐意帮助您在香港开展业务,我们相信香港是世界上最适合创业的地方之一。低税率、简单明了的规定以及可感受到的国际氛围使其成为来自世界各地的创意头脑的无与伦比的目的地。 那么我们如何提供帮助呢? 我们建议我们的大多数客户设立有限责任公司[…]

Centre o at Your Service: Virtual Offices

What is a virtual office? It sounds like something from the Matrix, but, actually, a virtual office is a popular form of business organization, particularly for SMEs and startups. A virtual office is an office that exists in cyberspace So where will you work? Technically, your office is wherever you are – which makes this …

CENTER O 为您服务:虚拟办公室

(图片) 什么是虚拟办公室? 这听起来像是来自 Matrix 的东西,但实际上,虚拟办公室是一种流行的商业组织形式,特别是对于中小企业和初创企业。 虚拟办公室是存在于网络空间的办公室 那么你会在哪里工作? 从技术上讲,您的办公室无处不在,这使得这种工作安排在不[…]

Centre o at Your Service: Serviced Offices

In view of a few new services coming up soon in centre o, we have decided to do a detailed review of all the services centre o is happy to provide, as well as the new ones to come. We proud ourselves on being a professional provider of a comprehensive set of services, taking your …

CENTER O :服务式办公室

鉴于 Centre O 即将推出一些新服务,我们决定对Centre O 提供的所有服务以及即将推出的新服务进行详细审查。 作为一家专业的综合服务提供商,我们为自己感到自豪,将您现有的业务、初创企业或想法提升到一个新的水平。 服务式办公室 服务式办公室在商界越来[…]

Why You Should Intern Abroad, and Specifically – in Hong Kong

The benefits of internships are undeniable. You get the necessary experience and at the same time have a chance to explore the business and career world and see first hand what path you would like to pursue. Bus why do so many young people today prefer to intern abroad? In addition to the great benefits …


(图片) 实习的好处是不可否认的。您将获得必要的经验,同时有机会探索商业和职业世界,并亲眼目睹您想追求的道路。 为什么如今有这么多年轻人喜欢出国实习? 除了上述巨大的好处外,在国外实习还有自己的好处: – 完全独立 – 增强语言技能 – 探索新文化 – 体验不[…]