The HKImmD expects a foreigner, seeking an employment visa in Hong Kong to perform, at minimum, supervisory duties. This calls for an employment that is valued at HKD 200,000 annually. However, don’t take 200,000, divide it by 12 and aim for a monthly salary of HKD 16, 670. No, the HKD 200, 000 amounts …
Author Archives: admin
Do I Need a Formal Business Plan To Support My Investment Visa Application?
Applying for an investment visa can be quite nerve-wrecking. Naturally, you would want to do anything in your power to convince the HKIMMD that your business would benefit the economy of Hong Kong. However, burning the midnight oil to compose “the ideal business plan” may….not be necessary at all. Stephen Barnes points out: “Certainly, every …
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(图片) 申请投资签证可能会很伤脑筋,您会想尽一切努力说服香港入境事务处,说明您的业务将有利于香港的经济。 然而,开夜车来制定“理想的商业计划”可能……根本没有必要。 斯蒂芬·巴恩斯(Stephen Barnes)指出: “为了获得批准,每个申请投资签证的人都[…]
(图片) 香港入境处期望在香港申请工作签证的外国人至少履行监管职责。 这需要每年价值 200,000 港元的就业机会。 不过,别拿20万除以12,目标是月薪16、670港币。 不,港币 200, 000 相当于每年的就业总价值。 例如, 薪水 – XXXX 雇[…]
I Am Looking Forward To My Company’s First Year Anniversary! Is There Anything I Should Do?
Remember! It is mandatory for companies to prepare and maintain accounts. Accounts must be audited annually by Certified Public Accountants in Hong Kong. The audited accounts together with tax return must be filed annually with the Inland Revenue Department. Every company is required to file annual returns with the Companies Registry and pay the annual registration fee. The Business Registration Certificate …
Have You Got A Secretary To Look After Your Hong Kong Company?
Appointing a company secretary is mandatory. The secretary, if an individual, must ordinarily reside in Hong Kong; or if a body corporate, must have its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong. The secretary is responsible for maintaining the statutory books and records of the company and must ensure the company’s compliance …
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(图片) 任命公司秘书是强制性的。 秘书,如果是个人的,必须通常居住在香港;如果是法人团体,则必须在香港设有注册办事处或营业地点。 秘书负责维护公司的法定账簿和记录,并必须确保公司遵守法定要求。 记住,如果您是公司的唯一董事/股东,则不能担任公司秘书。 可以任[…]
(图片) 记住!公司必须准备和维护帐户。帐目必须每年 由香港注册会计师审计 。经审计的账目连同纳税申报表必须每年向税务局提交 。 每家公司均须向 公司注册处提交 周年申报表并 缴付周年登记费。 商业登记证应每年更新一次,或每三年更新一次(视情况而定)。 年度股[…]
(图片) 香港公司的股本有两种:法定资本和已发行/实收资本。 虽然没有最低股本要求,但在香港注册成立的公司的一般规范是法定股本为 10,000 港元,由 10,000 股每股面值 1.00 港元的普通股代表。 公司成立后,可随时增加法定股本。 但是,如果股本超[…]
要注册香港公司,您必须提供香港本地地址作为公司的注册地址。注册地址必须是实际地址,不能是邮政信箱。 香港的公司税是如何运作的? 对于在香港设立的公司,香港的税项为应课税利润的 16.5%。 香港遵循地域征税基础,即只有在香港产生或源自香港的利润才须在香[…]