How and Why We Are Influenced by Our Own Body Language?

I have had the pleasure of listening to a TED Talk by Amy Cuddy, who studies the influence of our body language on the way we actually feel. According to Amy, smiling when we feel sad – can make us feel better and opening up when we feel weak, can actually make us feel more …


(图片) 有幸聆听了艾米·卡迪 (Amy Cuddy)的TED 演讲,他研究了我们的肢体语言对我们实际感受的影响。 根据艾米的说法,当我们感到悲伤时微笑,能让我们感觉变好,当我们感到虚弱时敞开心扉,实际上可以让我们感觉更强大和自信。 她建议在重要的谈判、会议或[…]


(图片) 在香港工作意味着你经常在奔跑。无论是您的工作、事业、家庭还是个人事务,我们这一代人都在奔波。 在工作和个人生活之间找到适当的平衡是一生的追求,这就是为什么我很高兴分享我最近阅读的一些技巧。 明确你的优先事项 找出对您来说重要的事情以及如何分配您的时间[…]

Need a Chinese Visa? We will get it for you!

March has arrived quickly, factories are all up and running once again. Do you need a visa to China meet your suppliers and make factory visits? We offer China Visa Application Service with a competitive price, starting from Hk$450/ visa.   All we need from you: Original Passport Hong Kong Landing Slip 1X passport size …

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. Especially, When It Comes to Analytics.

If you run your own business and have a presence online, you have probably used or at least heard of Google Analytics. The tool allows you to track visitor activity on your website and more, showing you how your business is doing online. However, interpreting the results is not a piece of cake, there is …

Why You Should Think Like an Entrepreneur Even If You Are Not

I have recently come across an article by Michael Moroney that has made me want to jump back in time and read it when I was 20. The thing is, I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. But until yesterday, I had no idea I’ve been one all along) Here’s why. According to Michael …


(图片) 如果您经营自己的业务并在网上开展业务,您可能已经使用过或至少听说过 Google Analytics(分析)。该工具允许您跟踪您网站上的访问者活动等,向您展示您的业务在线情况。 然而,解释结果并非易事,信息太多,其中一些本身就很复杂。 现在,我们很幸[…]


(图片) 三月很快就到了,工厂又开始运转了。您需要签证来中国会见您的供应商并参观工厂吗? 我们以具有竞争力的价格提供中国签证申请服务,每张签证 450 港元起。   我们需要你提供: 护照原件 香港登陆单 1张护照尺寸照片 1张公司名片 香港身份证复印件(如有[…]


(图片) 2014年注定是光彩夺目、灵动优雅、表情丰富的一年。Radiant Orchid 作为年度新色,让我们有机会在任何季节闪耀光芒。 从服装、珠宝、化妆品和发饰到办公室设计和笔记本电脑外壳,兰花应有尽有。 我们相信您在来年能为自己设定一个大胆的目标。让 […]