Registering your business website in China

China has rapidly become one of the biggest E-commerce markets in the world. As an entrepreneur, registering your business website may seem a must-to-do when entering the Chinese market. However, when you wanted to buy a domain name in China. The domain name must file the website with the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information …


中国已迅速成为世界上最大的电子商务市场之一。作为一名企业家,在进入中国市场时,注册你的商业网站似乎是必须要做的事情。但是,当你想在中国买一个域名的时候。域名必须向中国工业和信息化部(MIIT)备案。 如何在中国注册商业网站? 在中国设立子公司 企业家首先需要在[…]

What information will your TCSP licensed Company Secretary need to meet the Company Registry’s Compliances?

What is the new Company Registry Compliances? Since 1st March 2018, Hong Kong has implemented a new licensing regime for trust or company service provides (TSCPs). The commencement of Part 5A of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap 615) (AMLO). Therefore, when choosing a Company Secretary in Hong Kong. You have to ensure …


考虑到最近从11月底起新冠疫情逐渐严重,香港政府部门自2020年12月2日起提供有限的公共服务,为期至少2周。 公司注册处公共服务最新安排 公司注册处在工作日内提供有限的柜台服务,包括接收以纸质形式交付的文件以及让客户领取公司注册证书。公共查册中心将于每周一、[…]

Government Departments of Hong Kong Provide Limited Services

In view of the severity of the local COVID-19 epidemic situation starting from the end of November recently. The Hong Kong Government Departments are providing limited public service since 2nd Dec 2020 for at least 2 weeks. The Updated Service Arrangement of Company Registry  The Company Registry will provide limited counter services every working day, these …


中国企业所得税 根据企业/公司税法, Centre O着重介绍了以下几篇有关企业所得税税率的主要文章: 第三条 居民企业的境内外所得,应当缴纳企业所得税; 非居民企业在中国境内设立机构的,其事业单位从中国境内取得的所得,应当缴纳企业所得税。从中国产生的收入,但[…]

China Corporate Income Tax – What is the Correct Tax Rate?

China Corporate Income Tax According to the Enterprise / Corporate Tax Law. Centre O highlighted the few main articles about the Corporate Income Tax rate as below:  Article 3 A Resident Enterprise should pay Corporate Income Tax on its income generated from both inside and outside China; A Non-Resident Enterprise has set up institutions or …


中国企业税 在香港,通常称为利得税。而中国境内企业的应纳税所得额称为企业所得税。 《中国企业所得税法》详细规定了《纳税人和应纳税所得额实施条例》。中国的纳税年度从日历年的第一天开始,到日历年的最后一天结束。 香港有限公司缴纳利得税,而无限公司则属于个人入息课税[…]

China Corporate Tax: Resident and Non-Resident Enterprise

China Corporate Tax  In Hong Kong, it’s commonly named as Profit Tax. Whereas, taxable income for companies in China are named as Corporate Income Tax. Corporate Income Tax Law in China detailed Implementation Regulations on Taxpayer and Taxable Income.  China’s tax year starts from the first day in the calendar year and ends with the last day in …