
除了识别和保存重要控制人登记册外,香港公司还必须根据 2018 年公司修订条例为其公司指定一名代表。   根据《重要控制人登记册备存指引》,第2.7节还指出,公司必须指定至少一人作为其代表,向执法人员提供与公司SCR相关的协助。指定代表必须是以下之一: 公司中[…]

Companies Ordinance 2018: Keeping of Significant Controllers Register

Company (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, has been introduced since 1 March 2018. There are new requirements on the keeping of significant controllers registers by companies has come into operation. All registered Hong Kong Limited Companies are required to identify a person/ persons who has/ have significant control over the company and maintain a Significant Controllers Register, …

Obligation for Hong Kong Companies to Maintain Significant Controllers Register

Any Hong Kong incorporated companies are required to maintain a Register of Significant Controllers by taking reasonable steps to identify its significant controllers. From 1 March 2018, all Hong Kong incorporated companies, except for those companies that are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, are required to maintain a Register of Significant Controllers (the ‘SCR’), which …

Designated Representative of a Hong Kong Company

Other than identifying and keeping the Significant Controllers Register, the Hong Kong companies are also required to designated a representative for its company under the Companies Amendment Ordinance 2018.   According to the “Guideline on the Keeping of Significant Controllers Register“, Section 2.7 also pointed out a company must designate at lest one person as its representative …