Author Archives: admin
在香港创业时,需要考虑很多事情,例如法规和政策。在没有麻烦和混乱的情况下,我们可以协助您在香港开设商业银行账户。Centre O 提供商业银行账户介绍服务,并列出要联系的银行,指导您办理公司银行账户开户的全过程,并与合适的管理人员联系以建立您的账户。 在您开始[…]
Hong Kong Limited Companies Having Business Activities with Sanctioned Countries
When starting your own business in Hong Kong, there are many things to consider such as regulations and policies. Without the hassle and confusion, we can assist your process of opening a business bank account in Hong Kong. Centre O offer commercial bank account introducing services, short listing of which bank(s) to approach, walking you through …
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Keeping Your Company Records for 7 years
Do you remember the last time you sorted all of your company records? It can be quite confusing and frustrating keeping track of all of your documents. Nevertheless this is always the last task on your to-do list. According to the Company Ordinance, Section 51C of the Inland Revenue Ordinance requires every person carrying on a …
您还记得上次整理所有公司记录是什么时候吗?持续跟进您的所有文档可能会非常混乱和令人沮丧。但这始终是您待办事项清单上的最后一项任务。 根据《公司条例》,《税务条例》第 51C 条规定每名在香港经营行业、专业或业务的人,须以英文或中文备存足够的收支记录,以方便应课[…]
所有在香港注册成立的公司都必须通过采取合理措施来确定其重要控制人,以备存重要控制人名册。 自 2018 年 3 月 1 日起,除在香港联交所上市的公司外,所有在香港注册成立的公司都必须保存重要控制人名册(“SCR”),其姓名的人可以查阅该名册被登记在登记册中或[…]
除了识别和保存重要控制人登记册外,香港公司还必须根据 2018 年公司修订条例为其公司指定一名代表。 根据《重要控制人登记册备存指引》,第2.7节还指出,公司必须指定至少一人作为其代表,向执法人员提供与公司SCR相关的协助。指定代表必须是以下之一: 公司中[…]
Companies Ordinance 2018: Keeping of Significant Controllers Register
Company (Amendment) Ordinance 2018, has been introduced since 1 March 2018. There are new requirements on the keeping of significant controllers registers by companies has come into operation. All registered Hong Kong Limited Companies are required to identify a person/ persons who has/ have significant control over the company and maintain a Significant Controllers Register, …
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Obligation for Hong Kong Companies to Maintain Significant Controllers Register
Any Hong Kong incorporated companies are required to maintain a Register of Significant Controllers by taking reasonable steps to identify its significant controllers. From 1 March 2018, all Hong Kong incorporated companies, except for those companies that are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, are required to maintain a Register of Significant Controllers (the ‘SCR’), which …
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Designated Representative of a Hong Kong Company
Other than identifying and keeping the Significant Controllers Register, the Hong Kong companies are also required to designated a representative for its company under the Companies Amendment Ordinance 2018. According to the “Guideline on the Keeping of Significant Controllers Register“, Section 2.7 also pointed out a company must designate at lest one person as its representative …
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