银行推荐信基本上是银行根据您的交易历史,对您满足要求的能力的总体情况的报告。它提供以下信息: 1. 账户持有人的姓名和地址/详细信息 2. 银行开户日期 3. 银行开户以来总体财务状况确认书 4. 字母日期的账户余额报表的可能精度/数字范围的平均值 您正在努力[…]
Author Archives: admin
事实上,只要您得到董事的授权,您就可以代表董事签署以公司名义签署的租赁协议。由于租赁协议是以公司名义签发的,因此税务局不会检查董事签名的准确无误。 您的公司需要工作空间吗?共享办公空间?还是服务式办公室?我们应有尽有,请通过 sales@centreo.hk […]
If the director of the company is not in Hong Kong and I represent him as general manager of the Hong Kong Limited company, can I sign on his behalf for a tenancy agreement?
Indeed, you can sign on behalf of the director for a tenancy agreement that is in the name of the company, as long as you are authorized by your director. The Inland Revenue Department will not check the exact accuracy of the director’s signature since the tenancy agreement is issued on the company’s name. You …
在您决定开始一项新业务后,您可能会开始考虑公司名称。 在香港,您必须注册公司名称。 您可能还想知道我是否需要选择公司徽标? 答案是:不, 设立香港有限公司不需要有公司标志。 但未来你仍然可以自己选择的。 公司标志可以代表可以代表一个公司为公司发展品牌并吸引顾客[…]
Do I need to prepare a company logo for a startup?
After you decide to start a new business, you may begin to think about a company name. In Hong Kong, you have to register the company name. You may also wonder do I need to choose a company logo? The answer is no. There is no need to have a company logo to set up …
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采购订单是供应商和采购商之间确认采购的文件。它使采购过程更加高效,并能更好地对库存和付款跟踪。采购订单的好处在于规定您的付款条件并保留足够的订单记录,然后您可以将其与您的发票相匹配。 在起草采购订单时,必须重点关注一些关键条款,尤其是: • 您的企业名称 •您[…]
How to write a purchase order?
A purchase order is a document between a supplier and a buyer that confirms a purchase. It makes the purchasing process more efficient and allows for better inventory and payment tracking. Purchase order benefits to set out your payment terms and keep an adequate record of orders that you can then match with your invoices. …
CENTER O 是波兰华沙谷歌校园的嘉宾
Center O 下周将在波兰宣传,而香港有很多提供这样的机会!Centre O 的业务促进者 Josephine Lau 很荣幸于下周(2 月 13 日星期一)在波兰华沙的 Google Campus 作客。 欧洲将亚洲视为未来几年的发展方向。这里机会正在蓬[…]
Centre O is a guest at Google Campus Warsaw, Poland
Hong Kong has many opportunities to offer and Centre O is spreading the word in Poland next week! Josephine Lau, business facilitator at Centre O, is honored to be guest at Google Campus next week Monday, February 13th, in Warsaw, Poland. Europe is seeing Asia as THE place to be for some years now. The …
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税务局处理贵公司的所有税务和收入方面!以下是处理不用业务的不同楼层说明: 1楼=所有的报税表都有盖章服务,方便你查询你的报税日期! 3 楼 = 支付您的协议印花税和股份转让。 4 楼 = 对于所有与商业登记有关的行动,即签发商业登记证、重新签发或任何修改商业登[…]