HK Government Advises Work From Home due to the 3rd Wave Covid-19

The Hong Kong Government announced the toughest COVID-19 restriction on 27 July 2020. Since Hong Kong has an escalating coronavirus outbreak. The Centre of Health compelled employers to arrange for employees to work from home (WFH). In order to prevent further community outbreaks. Office Operation during the new norm During the pandemic, the sudden shift …


If you have a messy office desk, and you still struggle to find your things quickly, you are one of the many that suffer from office desk clutter. So you’ve got a desk or office you would like to tidy up. We’ve all been there, there’s no shame about it. Check out the advice below …


如果您有一张凌乱的办公桌,并且难以快速找到自己的东西,那么您就是众多受办公桌混乱困扰的人之一。 当您有想要整理的桌子或办公室时,不要感到不好意思,我们会过去帮助您。看看下面的建议,当得到控制,你的生活会变得更有成效。 1. 问问自己:我真的需要所有这些东西吗?[…]

Why serviced office has high security?

Serviced office allows you to concentrate on work in a private space with all necessary facilities and network with other entrepreneurs. For us, we are not only aiming to provide comfortable working environment, but also offer high security offices. In the office, we have the CCTV cameras, door taps and lockers to protect your belongings. …

If the director of the company is not in Hong Kong and I represent him as general manager of the Hong Kong Limited company, can I sign on his behalf for a tenancy agreement?

Indeed, you can sign on behalf of the director for a tenancy agreement that is in the name of the company, as long as you are authorized by your director. The Inland Revenue Department will not check the exact accuracy of the director’s signature since the tenancy agreement is issued on the company’s name. You …


事实上,只要您得到董事的授权,您就可以代表董事签署以公司名义签署的租赁协议。由于租赁协议是以公司名义签发的,因此税务局不会检查董事签名的准确无误。 您的公司需要工作空间吗?共享办公空间?还是服务式办公室?我们应有尽有,请通过 […]

Tips & Tricks: Your Co-working Space Tenancy Agreement!

BE CAREFUL TO THE ACCURACY OF YOUR CO-WORKING SPACE TENANCY AGREEMENT Nowadays, co-working spaces are offering more and more membership agreements, which cannot be considered as proper and accurate tenancy agreements. What do I mean with proper and accurate? If you need a tenancy agreement for opening a company bank account or applying to a …