Before you start doing business, make sure you put basic legal documents in place. Written legal agreements are the best way to clearly state what you expect from all parties within the deal. Legal agreements will also help avoid conflicts and will give you legal options in case things go south. If written clearly and …


When running an online business, the steps are similar to if you were running a traditional, offline business. By setting up clear rights and obligations, you will ensure that the business relationship runs smoothly between all involved parties. Terms and Conditions for Online Sale of Goods outline the rights of your business and customers when …


我们位于湾仔的位置便利,位于香港商业区的中心。由于有很多方法可以到达这里,我们将列出到达我们办公室的最佳和最简单的方法: 步骤1。搭乘港铁至金钟站F出口。 (图片) 第2步,从出口直走,您会在左侧看到 您跟随的太古广场三号  (PP3)/星街的标志。 (图片)[…]

Admiraly MTR–>WanChai Office: 6 EASY STEPS

Our WanChai location is conveniently located in the heart of the business sector of Hong Kong. Since there are so many ways to get here, we will lay out the best and easiest way to get to our office: STEP1. Take the MTR Train to Admiralty Station and Take Exit F. STEP2. When Walking Straight …


我们位于湾仔的位置便利,位于香港商业区的中心。由于有很多方法可以到达这里,我们将列出到达我们办公室的最佳和最简单的方法: 步骤1。搭乘港铁至金钟站F出口。 (图片) 第2步,从出口直走,您会在左侧看到 您跟随的太古广场三号  (PP3)/星街的标志。 (图片)[…]

Neil Kumar – 会计和簿记实习生

你好, 我在胜湾的 Bonham Strand 贸易中心与一些有成就的人一起工作,并为一些高层客户工作。作为一名簿记和会计实习生,我每天都在翻阅成堆的发票,以编制准确透彻的财务报表。Center O 在审计过程中的目标是尽量减少客户的税收负担,并准确反映其公司[…]

Neil Kumar- Accounting and Bookkeep Trainee

Hello, I work atop the Bonham Strand Trade Centre in Shengwan with some great people, and for some great clients. As a bookkeep & accounting trainee, I spend my days sifting through mountains of invoices to prepare precise and thorough financial statements. Centre O’s goal in the audit process is to minimize a client’s tax …


嗨! 我叫 Daniel,是 Center O 的社区参与实习生。我来自加利福尼亚州洛杉矶,祖籍是摩尔多瓦,我正在加州大学伯克利分校学习商业。 我选择在香港实习是因为我正在寻找一个既能挑战又能让我更好地了解国际商业世界的地方学习,还有什么比“亚洲国际城市”更好[…]

Daniel Royzman- The Community Engagement Trainee

Hey! I’m Daniel, the Community Engagement Trainee here at Centre O. I am originally from Los Angeles, California with ancestral roots from Moldova, and I am studying business at University of California, Berkeley. I chose an internship in Hong Kong becasue I was looking for a place that would challenge me while allowing me to …