Choose the Right Form of Business

When starting a new business, It is important to choose the right business structure. The decision is often between sole proprietorship/limited partnership and private limited company Things to consider when choosing the right structure? -Cost of formation -Who is responsible for paying tax? The organization or the owners? -Potential Liability -Sole proprietorship/Limited partnership = Cheaper and …


-公司名称 – 有限公司的章程必须注明其成员的责任是有限的,而无限公司的章程必须注明其成员的责任是无限的 -股份有限公司的条款必须说明,其成员的责任仅限于成员持有的股份的任何未付金额 – 担保有限公司的条款必须说明,作为公司股东的每个人[…]

The Increasing Importance of Video Marketing

More than 70% of professionals report that video converts better than any other medium.People would prefer watching a few minutes long video than spending 20 minutes reading texts. Benefits of video marketing YouTube alone has more than 4 billion views per day, and it’s the second largest search engine right after google. -Increase in brand awareness -Leading you to …


超过 70% 的专业人士表示,视频的转换效果比任何其他媒体都要好。相比花 20 分钟阅读文本,人们更愿意观看几分钟长的视频。 视频营销的好处 仅 YouTube ,每天的浏览量就超过 40 亿次,是仅次于谷歌的第二大搜索引擎。 – 提高品牌知名度 […]

What You Need to Include in Your A&A

The Articles of Association must include the following mandatory articles: -The Company Name -Articles of a limited company must state that the liability of its members is limited, while articles of an unlimited company must state that the liability of its members is unlimited -Articles of a company limited by shares must state that the …


1. 身份证明文件和国籍证明香港永久性居民身份证和/或护照 2. 居住地址证明您的居住地址必须与您在合并企业时使用的居住地址相同。 3. 商业地址证明您的注册办公地址或办公地址的租赁协议。此地址必须是香港商业地址。 4. 公司绿箱 5. 公司注册证书的认证版本[…]