Loosing great colleagues and employees is awful and there is barely anything good about the experience. But no matter how unpleasant experiences may be, we are as always, encouraged to take something positive away from it. In this particular case, an article on Mashable.com suggested we use this opportunity to ask our soon to be …


我们的团队想对您参加此次活动表示感谢。 这是一个创纪录的出席人数,我们肯定对站在房间里的所有人所创造的活力和热情印象深刻。 我们已经在筹备另一场活动,并与新客人和新主持人讨论商业投资签证。 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面: http://www.mee[…]

Trademark Registration IP Protection Introduction Seminar

Our team would like to say thank you for coming to the event. It was a record turnout, and we were certainly impressed by the amount of energy and enthusiasm created by all the people in the standing room-only crowd. We are already in the works to create another event and talking to new guests …


失去优秀的同事和员工是可怕的,而且这种体验几乎没有任何好处。 但无论经历多么不愉快,我们一如既往地受到鼓励,从中汲取一些积极的东西。 在这种特殊情况下,Mashable.com 上的一篇文章建议我们利用这个机会直接向即将离职的员工提出一些有关工作满意度和公司环[…]

Us citizen and you tend to travel a lot to CHINA? It’s the best time to apply for it under the new agreement.

There has been new policy for US passport applying for China Visa. The U.S. and China have mutually agreed to increase business and tourist visa validity to 10 years. The agreement, which went into force on March 9th, comes as an increasingly seek Chinese business and investment. The announcement came during a visit to China by US President …

Recent Changes to HK Immigration Policy – How They Might Affect YOU!

Thanks to all who came to Stephen Barnes’s Seminar on the recent policy changes to immigration.   We hope you enjoyed the talk and learnt some vital information. Another great turnout in our coworking and venue space. Another Full House Event. Change of HK Immigration Policy seminar By Stephen Bames   For more events like …


感谢所有参加Stephen Barnes研讨会的人,讨论最近的移民政策变化。希望您喜欢这次演讲并了解一些重要信息。我们的共享办公和场地空间又一次吸引了大量观众,成为一场全场活动。 (图片) 如需更多此类活动,请查看我们的聚会页面: http://www.mee[…]

Alibaba sets up HK$1b fund to help young Hong Kong entrepreneurs

Hong Kong is all about Entrepreneurship, and with a mega financial boost from Mr Ma, dreams are soon to become true to many startups. News of the Hong Kong Young Entrepreneurs Foundation came ahead of today’s speech by the group’s executive chairman Jack Ma Yun on “transforming dreams into successful business” in Hong Kong. The …


香港充满了创业精神,在马先生的大力推动下,许多创业公司的梦想很快就会成为现实。 香港青年企业家基金会的消息是在该集团执行主席马云今天关于“将梦想转化为香港的成功企业”的演讲之前发布的。 该基金会预计将于今年晚些时候成立,将投资于由运行该计划的投资经理和顾问组成[…]