
雇员补偿保险是香港主要的商业保险之一。雇员补偿保险能够更全面更深入的保障雇员以雇主的权益,是雇员和雇主的法定保障。 保险中介机构的作用是? 保险中介机构十分重要,例如,保险中介能始终诚心开展保险业务,向客户解释最大诚信原则和充分披露的义务,向客户明确表示会对提[…]

Hong Kong Taxation Constitution Vs China Taxation Constitution

Hong Kong implements Common Law. In addition to Hong Kong tax system, the Inland Revenue department launched the Departmental and Practice Notes (DIPNs) regarding to the tax related guideline. At the same time, tax regulations also follow the court precedents. Whereas, China implements Continental Law. However, the tax regulations are being set up by 4 different departments.  …


香港实行普通法。除香港税收制度外,税务局还发布了与税收相关指南有关的部门和操作说明(DIPN)。同时,鉴于中国执行大陆法,税收法规也遵循了法院的先例,但是,税收法规是由4个不同的部门制定的。 全国人民代表大会关于企业所得税的税收制度 国务院企业所得税管理实施委[…]

China Taxation Vs Hong Kong Taxation for Foreign Investors

Centre O has written a blog highlighted China Taxation System before. China and Hong Kong taxation are two completely different system. In order to have better understanding on what taxes are you needing to pay within China, we are going to illustrate the differences between the China and Hong Kong.  Value Added Contrary to Hong Kong, …

Understanding Intellectual Property Protection – China Trademark Part 2

Foreign companies are advised to consider to get their Intellectual Property rights protected before entering into the China Market. As China works via “First to File” and not “First to Use” system.    The Nice Classification System China adopted an international system for categorising goods and services into appropriate classes. The system called the Nice …


在中国注册知识产权 如果一家公司不在中国申请版权、专利和商标,其知识产权在中国就没有正式的保护。企业应尽早在中国注册(或备案)符合条件的知识产权。公司还应该了解他们可能申请的所有知识产权,包括专利、商标、版权以及商业秘密。 在中国保护您的知识产权的 4 大方法[…]

Understanding China Intellectual Property Protection

Register Intellectual Property  in China If a company doesn’t file its copyrights, patents, and trademarks in China, its IP has no formal protection there. Companies should register (or record) eligible Intellectual Property in China as early as possible. Companies should also understand the full range of IP for which they might file, including patents, trademarks, …

了解知识产权保护 – 中国商标第 2 部分

建议外国公司在进入中国市场之前考虑保护自己的知识产权。由于中国通过“先备案”而不是“首先使用”制度来运作的。 尼斯分类系统 中国采用国际体系,将商品和服务分类为适当的类别。该系统称为商品和服务尼斯分类(Nice Classification)。尼斯分类将所有可[…]

5 Steps for Process China Trademark Registration

The Importance of Trademark Registration in China Foreign investors sometimes overlook and ignore the importance of trademark registration in China. As China uses a “first-to-file” rule, which means that the first person who registers will own the trademark registration in China.  Nevertheless, the China trademark holder will also have all exclusive rights to distribute and sell …