Welcome Rachael Law, the newest member of Centre O family!

Having a good team is a key to success in any business. Here at Centre O, we believe that strongly. This is why we are happy to welcome Rachel on board and into our team! Rachel will perform the duties of Administrative Officer and can be reached at admin@centreo.hk  We wish Rachel best of luck and …

为您的香港公司命名 – 法律方面

本周我们将对所有关于香港公司合并的问题做一个回顾。如果您有更多问题,我们很乐意为您提供帮助sales@centreo.hk 本周我们将从公司名称开始。对我们大多数人来说,为公司命名是最令人兴奋和有趣的时刻之一。但是,要记住一些法律方面的重要影响。 (幻灯片)

Naming Your Hong Kong Company – Legal Aspects

This week we will do a review of all your questions, regarding company incorporation in Hong Kong. And if you have more –  we are happy to help at sales@centreo.hk We are starting with COMPANY NAMES this week. To most of us, naming a company is one of the most exciting and interesting moments. However, it …


Just as with any kind of marketing strategy, your social media marketing strategy needs to be reviewed, re-evaluated and updated. And the key player in the industry suggest doing it at least once a year. So what trends get people talking for 2014? 1.   Diversify Overdependence on a single platform puts you at the mercy …