“Just Try Something New”

The other day I saw a picture of a college friend of mine on a skateboard. Now it may not seem that interesting to you, but what if I told you that I have always known Julia as a fashion-conscious girly girl in heels with impeccable hair and make-up? Also, that she is now a sales director of a reputable IT company in San Diego?


The caption under her photo said: “Once in a while – break the routine. Do something totally new to you: forget about your image, habits and work. Just try something new. I promise you, you will feel exhilarated, happy and re-born!”

To say that I was inspired – is to say nothing at all. I have made a promise to myself: I will make a list of 3 new things I would like to try each month. They can be small and insignificant (like ordering a different lunch instead of my “usual”) or quite big (like taking up a new sport or a new language).

Whatever it is, I hope the “new” in my life will help me learn more about myself and motivate me in business and life!

So, my list for February looks like this:

  1. This weekend I will finally make an exception and try the strawberry pancakes I’ve been eyeing in a coffee shop instead of my regular health juice.

Strawberry Pancakes2. I will realise my childhood dream of spending a night in a tree house (luckily, I found a tree-house hotel)

Tree House3. I will sign up for surfing lessons (after my unfortunate experience of being bruised by the board).

Gone Surfing So, here it is – my new fun challenges for this month. What does your “fun three” look like?

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