Social Media: A Huge Market For The Serviced Office Sector

From now on, social media is not only used by young generations to share pics or comments with their friends. The network is becoming bigger and bigger than you can ever imagine. Businesseshave figured out that they mayfind their potential clients on social media.Technology is changing and so do the way of reaching clients.It is a huge database of people and information in which businesses just have to dig in. 

Nowadays, digital marketing is a must for any company wishing to attract as more clients as they can. It is the place to be. Nevertheless, it is not that easy to handle and depends on the type of company and product advertised. It is especially efficient when it comes to target clients from allover the world, tothe serviced offices sector which are seeking people that are moving to Hong Kong. It’s simple and basically free but extremely competitive. Indeed, social media is a crossroads of big and small companies in which any business has a free access to. On the other hand, social media must not be underestimated. Businesses need to understand what people search for and how they will advert their products or services.They need to settle a strategy regarding the way they will approach social media. The best one is to appoint people who will exclusively be in charge of the media. Obviously, it represents a cost but will be benefit to the company in long terms.…

When Hong Kong becomes home: Permanent Residency Visa

Thanks for those who came to our coworking space on Wednesday 06 May for Permanent Residency Visa in Hong Kong. We were lucky to have Stephen Barnes, co-founder of Hong Kong Visa Centre, to talked about it. We hope you enjoyed the talk and learnt some vital information, stay tuned with our Upcoming Event this month.

For more events like these, please check our Meet Up Page: talk


感谢于 5 月 6 日星期三来到我们的共享办公空间参加“申请香港永久居留签证”活动的人。我们很幸运邀请了香港签证中心的联合创始人Stephen Barnes 来谈论这个话题。希望您喜欢这次演讲并了解一些重要信息,请继续关注我们本月即将举行的活动。


You Can Be Happy While Pushing Yourself To Success

Despite the challenges entrepreneurs face, there are ways for them to influence their own happiness.

The most effective entrepreneurs continually invest in themselves and in their future through continuing self-improvement.

If you want to become a better entrepreneur and successfully grow your business, dedicate time and energy to improve your daily habits like.

Here are six remarkable things happy entrepreneurs has to do:

Take risks:  As an entrepreneur, you need to take calculated risks to move your business forward.

-Stay energetic: Starting a new business requires hours of dedication and sacrifice. You have to believe and be excited about your product. Your energy will transfer to everyone you meet about your business, and this will lead to growth

– Be Motivated: To become an entrepreneur you must be determined and ambitious. Motivation is a social or psychological call to action for success and success requires motivation.

– Hard-Work: Building a company from the ground up and successfully running it is hard-work. Without the right work ethics your business will never thrive and grow. But if you are passionate about something and you work hard, then I think you will be successful.

– Mistakes, Failure and Success: Mistakes and failures are remarkable learning mechanisms, especially when it comes to business. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that they didn’t get to where they are now without hitting a few bumps in the road, so no worry it happen to everyone!

– Ethics and Morals: Running a successful business also requires that you are keeping your customers and employees happy. Running an honest business is the mark of some of the best entrepreneurs of all time.

Whether you are starting your business, expanding your business or simply trying to make your business grow, connecting with others entrepreneurs can help you navigate the difficult road to success. Owning and operating your own business is very challenging and can take a person down quickly, to achieve success you must be focused and believe in yourself and be happy: key tools for success.

Let’s show everyone that you can conquer the world! 

What Should You Do Before Your Meetings?

Being well prepared is very important in having a successful meeting. Meetings are also a major part of most careers, so it can be a big deal!

Every hour of every day, in offices around the world, people spend time sitting in business meetings. Good preparation is the key to building confidence for meeting clients.

Three basic and easy tricks to get yourself prepared for each day:

  1. This may seem elementary, but pack your bag for the next day every night before you go to bed. This way, there is no way you can forget anything important for the following day. You waste valuable time and energy if you have to go back to your house to grab something!
  2. Do your homework! Nothing is more embarrassing than going to a business meeting unprepared. Even just 10 minutes of researching can be the deal breaker when you risk losing potential clients or even your credibility.
  3. Make a list! Besides, there’s nothing more satisfying than checking something completed off a list!

Before the Meeting:

Before the meeting, get as full a picture as you can of the client and their business. They will then feel flattered if you know what the business does and if you can quote a few figures. This will give them confidence in you which will reflect back for your own confidence.Decide how you want to record your notes. If you aren’t comfortable relying on your pen and notepad, try using the voice recorder on your Smartphone. It’s always good to bring your laptop or pads to meetings. In case, you need to show your clients pictures or need to search online for some information at the spot.

After the Meeting:

Review the notes and add additional comments, or clarify what you didn’t understand right after the meeting. Do this while the information is fresh in your mind. Send an email to the person you just had the meeting with, so that everyone is on the same page and no misunderstanding. It’s a good reference for future records top.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.


做你的作业!没有什么比毫无准备地参加商务会议更令人尴尬的了。当您冒着失去潜在客户甚至失去信誉的风险时,即使只是 10 分钟的研究也可能成为交易破坏者。


积极的肢体语言可以定义为这些非语言的动作和手势,它们表达了对其他人所说的话的兴趣、热情和积极反应。如何与身体交流很重要,因为研究表明 60% 到 90% 的交流是非语言的。肢体语言被认为是沟通中最重要的方面,因为它向我们发出真实感受的信号,人们在前四秒内就对他人下定决心。

Female Entrepreneurs Day

Hi there!

YOU, are a female entrepreneur or you deeply wish to start your own business? YOU, want to spend some time just between girls?
Centre O Connect presents our NEW UPCOMING EVENT  Friday 22nd May 2015 at 6 pm in which female entrepreneurs will have the place of honour! Delicious cupcakes will be ordered especially for the occasion. But that’s not all, we will have a lucky draw and the winner will be given $1000 worth gift card to use at Centre O Connect!

Join us and have some good time, don’t be shy! Come and share your experience, your doubts, and your thoughts, whatever! Just grab a cupcake (or two…) and get chatting.

For more information, kindly follow the link below: