
即将到来的 3 月 13 日星期五,Startup Weekend 宣布这是一项为期 54 小时的创业竞赛,让您可以结识潜在的联合创始人,验证您的创业想法并构建您的原型。 
Startup Weekend 是一个全球性的活动,由活跃且有能力的企业家组成,他们正在学习创建初创公司和成功创业的基础知识。它是最大的充满激情的企业家社区,2014 年在全球 120 个国家/地区举办了 1800 多场过去的活动。该非营利组织总部位于西雅图,但 Startup Weekend 的组织者和促进者遍布全球 200 多个城市。从蒙古到​​南非,从伦敦到巴西,世界各地的人们聚集在一起参加周末的研讨会,以提出想法、组建团队和创办公司。
比赛将在香港大学举行。对于所有拥有初创公司并正在参加比赛的人,Center O 祝您好运。 
 如需支持和咨询您的创业公司或想法,请随时发送电子邮件至 sales@centreo.hk

The Difference Between Financial Statement, Annual Return and Audit Report

For those wanting to understand the different between

1.       Financial statement

2.       Annual return

3.       Audit report

 Below explains the details and process:
Firstly we help create the 1. Financial Statement for your company’s accounting to show the financial activities including the income and outgoing transactions, after this is done, we will send a draft for client approval and/or comments. At this stage we can still have a few adjustments to be made.
2. Audit report, once 1. Financial Statement is confirmed, the actual audit report (which CANNOT be edit or adjust) will be provided for signing from client.
As soon as the client has signed off the 2. Audit Report, we will file them to the Inland Revenue Department and to send a soft copy back to client via email for their reference.
For your 3. Annual Return, this needs to be done every 12 months since the incorporation date of the business, informing Company Registry even there is no changes from the past 12 months, the filing to Company registry which is totally different from Audit Report ( financial figures) to the Inland Revenue Department. 
For further enquiries or support, please email sales@centreo.hk or tel: 3124 2888


Financial report, annual return, audit report, tax

Financial report, annual return, audit report, tax




1. 财务报表
2. 年度回报
3. 审计报告
首先,我们帮助创建 1.  贵公司会计的财务报表,以显示包括收入和支出交易在内的财务活动,完成后,我们将发送草稿供客户批准和/或评论。在这个阶段,我们仍然可以进行一些调整。
2. 审计报告 1. 财务报表一经确认,将提供实际审计报告(不可编辑或调整)以供客户签署。
2. 客户签署审计报告后,我们会将其提交给税务局,并通过电子邮件将电子副本发送回客户以供参考。
3. 周年申报表,对于您的周年申报表,这需要自公司成立之日起每 12 个月进行一次,即使过去 12 个月没有变化也要通知公司注册处,向公司注册处提交与审计报告完全不同(财务数字) 给税务局。 
如需进一步查询或支持,请发送电子邮件至 sales@centreo.hk 或电话:3124 2888