
注意:Center O 将于 1 月 31 日至 2 月 3 日放假。2月4日,我们不见不散!

Festivities over the Lunar New Year

hkcnyIn celebration of the New Year there are many vibrant festivities happening in Hong Kong over the days to come.

night parade

First Day of Lunar New Year – January 31st: Chinese New Year Night Parade

What: An abundance of imaginatively decorated floats will parade down the streets, expect drums, dragons and lots of drama. The parade will wind through the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, with traditional Chinese costumes as well as international troupes from all over the world performing their native dances.
Time: 8:00pm – 9:45pm
Where: Tsim Sha Tsui


February 1st: Chinese New Year Fireworks
What: See boats pack the harbour and people thronging the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, particularly the Avenue of Stars, the event is an extended version of Hong Kong’s daily Symphony of Lights show, many people rent a boat to get a perfect view from the harbour. If you’re heading to the waterfront, you’ll need to get there early, as it fills up quickly.
Time: 8:00pm
Where: Tsim Sha Tsui

spt-hrc-src-0128_hr-rFebruary 2nd: Lunar New Year Races
What: Try your luck at the horse-racing track, the Sha Tin race-track will be adorned with lanterns and there will be a lion dance. For race fans, one of the major attractions is the Chinese New Year Cup.
Time: 11am
Where: Sha Tin

 Have a Happy New Year!

The Benefits of Face to Face Networking

Benefits of networking

We have all heard how beneficial networking can be to a small business. However, with the growing number of online networking platforms, we may be starting to ignore the benefits of face-to-face communication.

 We would like to draw your attention to a recent survey that highlights the surprising number of ways in which a small business can benefit from attending face-to-face networking events.

Benefit one: Filling in skill gaps

The survey was held across the UK and included over 430 networkers.

As 87% did admin to looking for leads and referrals, 52% said they also used networking events to find other businesses to collaborate with and 44% said they provided a useful support network.

There seems to be a growing trend among small businesses to work with other small businesses rather that hire employees. This gives them a chance to fill in any existing skill gaps and potentially take on bigger contracts.

Benefit two: Self-improvement and motivation

Nearly 60% of survey participants answered that they networked to learn new ideas and a quarter gained confidence and motivation from networking. A lot of networking events these days also include mini-workshops, discussion groups or expert lectures. This provides wonderful opportunities for people to come up with new ideas for their businesses, whilst meeting new contacts at the same time.

Benefit three: Socialising (in addition to networking)

A notable side-effect of the recession has been the increase in the numbers of people running a business from home. It minimizes the overheads and gives startups a better chance of success. But there is also a downside, as by working at home you miss out on that essential office banter and communication. And that can make you feel isolated. So networking events can help you break out of the routing, see some new faces and share business experiences.

For full details of the business networking events benefits survey, visit:




该调查在英国各地进行,包括 430 多名网络用户。
由于 87% 的人通过管理来寻找潜在客户和推荐人,52% 的人表示他们还使用网络活动来寻找其他企业合作,44% 的人表示他们提供了有用的支持网络。
近 60% 的调查参与者回答说他们通过网络学习新想法,四分之一的人从网络中获得了信心和动力。如今,许多社交活动还包括小型研讨会、讨论小组或专家讲座。这为人们提供了绝佳的机会,可以为他们的业务提出新的想法,同时结识新的联系人。


农历新年的第一天 – 1 月 31 日:农历新年夜巡游
内容: 大量装饰精美的花车将在街道上游行,期待鼓声、龙和许多戏剧。游行将在尖沙咀的街道上穿行,身着中国传统服饰的还有来自世界各地的国际剧团表演他们的本土舞蹈。
时间:  8 : 00pm – 9:45pm
地点: 尖沙咀
内容:看到船只挤满港口和人们拥护Tsim Sha Tsui海滨,特别是星光大道,这是香港每日交响乐展的一个扩展版本,许多人租了一艘船从港口得到完美的视野。如果你要去海滨,你需要早点到那里,因为那里很快就满了。
时间: 晚上 8:00
地点: 尖沙咀
时间: 上午11点
地点: 沙田


农历新年无疑是一年中最隆重的节日。1 月 31 日标志着农历新年的开始,今年的象征是马的生肖。节日庆祝活动持续 15 天,以春节元宵节开始结束。
由于香港的公众假期,大部分政府办公室、银行和公用事业公司将于1 月 31 日至 2 月 3 日期间关闭。 最繁忙地区的大多数商店和餐馆都会营业,而一些购物中心甚至可能会延长服务时间。主要景点、主题公园和公共交通将照常运营。街市和摊位通常在农历新年的第一天和第二天(2014 年 1 月 31 日和 2 月 1 日)关闭,并从第三天(2 月 2 日)开始营业。
Center O 将于 1 月 31 日至 2 月 3 日关闭,从 2 月 4 日起,我们将照常营业。

Great News for Facebook Page Owners!

FB updates 2014


Facebook announced a slight tweak to the News Feed algorithm.

What does it mean? From now on you will see more “text-only” posts from friends in your News Feed and less text-only posts from Pages (as Facebook noticed that text-only posts from Pages did not get much engagement)

Why it’s good: Facebook will push more “link-share” posts from Pages – which is great for promoting your website or blog.

What is a “link-share” post?

If you have seen posts that have an image as well as the title and description post – then you were looking at a “link-share” post.

How to create a “link-share” post?

Add a link to your status update. The image with the title and description should appear automatically. Congrats, you’ve created a “link-share” post. Now you can delete the link in the status box, as the image and description below are now clickable.

Here’s what Facebook had to say about this recent change:

“The best way to share a link after this update will be to use a link-share. We’ve found that, as compared to sharing links by embedding in status updates, these posts get more engagement (more likes, comments, shares and clicks) and they provide a more visual and compelling experience for people seeing them in their feeds.”


Facebook 宣布对 News Feed 算法进行微调。
这是什么意思?从现在开始,您将在动态消息中看到更多来自朋友的“纯文本”帖子,而来自主页的纯文本帖子会更少(因为 Facebook 注意到来自主页的纯文本帖子没有得到太多参与)
优点:Facebook 将推送更多来自 Pages 的“链接共享”帖子,这对推广您的网站或博客非常有用。
以下是 Facebook 对最近的变化的评论:


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