Business Registration Fees for Year 2020-2021

The Hong Kong Financial Secretary proposed in his 2020-2021 budget to waive business registration fees for one year.


Starting from 1st April 2020. By the proposal, the fees payable in respect of business registration certificates and branch registration certificates. That commence on or after  1st April 2020 but before 1st April 2021. As a result, the sum of $2,000 and $73 are reduced. Taking into account of the proposal, the office has not demanded the registration fee for the above period in renewal certificate and demand note for the business or branch. In summary, the levy still remains payable at $250.


Please note that the above proposal requires enactment of legislative amendments. The Legislative Council will approve or amend the relevant legislative amendment. Business Registration Office would notify the proper amount payable for the business or branch.

For further information, please contact us.

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Options of closing business in Hong Kong- Winding-Up or Deregistration

The overall process of closing a business in Hong Kong usually takes some months before complete. The costs of the process depend on the options of closing of the business: Winding-Up or Deregistration. So it is better to think carefully about it and consider accordingly. Even though both the processes lead to the closing of the business and the dissolution of the company. However, the methods they entail are significantly distinct.

What is the difference between: Winding Up & Deregistration?

Before the deregistration process is explained, it is vital to know what is the difference between “Winding up” and “Deregistration”.  Deregistration is a comparatively simple, inexpensive and quick method for dissolving a defunct private company. But this business has to meet specific requirements in order for this to happen.

On the other hand, Winding up is the method of designating a liquidator who would settle all the accounts. Liquidator will also paying off the company’s debts. This person is also in charge of liquidating the assets of a business and distributing the surplus assets. This process involved much more complicated than de-registration, and requires more steps and parties. This can result in a longer process and higher cost for a company.

Since deregistration is relatively a simpler and easier process. So many business people preferred more and is the most common process in Hong Kong. You can close the business as you de-register it with just two steps, but only if you meet the requirements stated by the Hong Kong Government.

Which companies can apply for the deregistration?

Any Hong Kong local limited company or a local private company limited by guarantee is the one that is qualified to de-register itself. Nonetheless, these companies are listed in the Companies Ordinance under the section 749(2) or registered under the Part XI of the Companies Ordinance. Whereas, It also needs to be a company that is a defunct solvent business.

 “Defunct” here means a company that is no longer a functional company. While “solvent” means that the company does not have any debts or liabilities and can dissolve or close down easily. In short, your company needs to be clear from any debts and legal issues along with the fact that it is no longer operating.

Requirements & Conditions to Deregister a Company

Any person wants to de-registered the HK business, the company has to meet the following requirements and conditions: 

  • The company has not involved in any legal procedures.
  • There are no outstanding debts of the company.
  • There was no operation or business conduct in the company three months before the application to de-register the Hong Kong company (application made at least three months after the cessation date).
  • Every member in the business has agreed for the de-registration of the company.
  • There is no immovable property located in Hong Kong of the business.
  • In case the Hong Kong business is a holding company, none of the company’s additional property has any immovable ones that are located in Hong Kong.
  • The Hong Kong business receive the “Notice of No Objection” from the Inland Revenue’s Commissioner.

When the “Notice of No Objection” is issued, you will then need to submit application with the Company Registry to complete the whole process.

For further information, please contact us.

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在香港关闭业务的选项 – 清盘或注销





任何香港本地有限公司或本地私人担保有限公司都是有资格注销自己的公司。尽管如此,这些公司根据第 749(2) 条在《公司条例》中列出,或根据公司条例第 XI 部注册。鉴于它也需要是一个公司,是一个已倒闭的偿付能力的业务。





你可能想要了解:http :  //

HK$137.5 billion financial relief package overview for businesses

The Legislative Council Finance Committee approved on 18 April 2020 a financial relief package of $137.5 billion. The Anti-epidemic Fund therefore rolled out the second round of measures for business as follows:

Firstly, Job retention, Job creation and Job advancement

  • Government to pay 1.5 million workers 50% of their wages, capped at HK$9,000 a month for 6 months. First disbursement will be on June 2020.
  • Provide support to employers in the catering, construction and transport (mainly taxi and red minibus drivers) sectors which are not completely covered by the MPF scheme (involving about 800 000 persons)
  • Grant a one-off subsidy to self-employed persons who made MPF contributions (about 215 000 persons)
  • Temporarily relax the asset limits of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme: To provide a time limited unemployment support scheme through CSSA Scheme. The asset limits for an able-bodied applicant will be increased by 100% for a period of 6 months.
  • To invest $6 billion to create around 30 000 time-limited jobs (up to 12 months) in the public and private sectors in the coming two years for people of different skill sets and academic qualifications, benefitting professionals and technicians, fresh graduates, middle level and grassroots workers.
  • A HK$800 million scheme to let workers learn new skills or let businesses apply more technology.

Secondly, Relief to hard-hit sectors

  1. Tutorial schools;
  2. Service providers and suppliers for schools;
  3. Registered coach under National Sports Associations and Sports Organisations
  4. Instructor of interests classes for organisations subvented by the Social Welfare Department;
  5. Private refuse collector;
  6. Local farm and agricultural producer;
  7. Exchange participants and Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) licensed individuals;
  8. Licensed individuals of the estate agency sector;
  9. Passenger transport sector
  10. Creative industries
  11. Tourism industry
  12. Construction sector
  13. Non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) running the Projects under the Revitalising Historic Building Saviation sector
  14. Catering sector
  15. In additional to above, the 11 Sectors are closed due to the measures for safeguarding public health imposed by the Government

Thirdly, Easing the cash flow and burden of businesses and individuals

  • Rental and Fee Concessions for Government Premises
  • Enhancing the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme
  • Deadline for payment of tax for year of assessment 2018/19 that will be falling due will be extended for 3 months
  • All borrowing institutions and non-profit-making international schools have the two-year loan repayment holiday
  • Student loan repayers concerned to inform them of the two-year loan repayment holiday
  • To extend the 75% waiver of water and sewage charges payable by non-domestic accounts for another four months from August to November 2020
  • To waive the registration/enrolment fees for healthcare professionals for three years
  • MTR to provide a 20% fare reduction for a time-limited period of 6 months start from 1 July, 2020.
  • To temporarily relax the monthly public transport expense threshold of the PTFSS from $400 to $200 for a time-limited period of 6 months start from 1 July, 2020.

For further information, please contact us

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D-Biz Programme for Service Providers Enrolment

On 2nd of May morning,  the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) held a Webinar. ITC announced the application details for IT Service Providers Reference List for the Distance Business (D-Biz) Programme for enrolment.


Overview and Objectives of D-Biz Programme

Remote working or service has become a new trend against the backdrop of the epidemic. Under the Anti-Epidemic Fund, ITC has launched D-Biz Programme to support enterprises to continue their business and services during the epidemic. B-Biz Programme provides funding support through fast-track processing for enterprises to adopt IT solutions for developing distance business. The Hong Kong Productivity Council is the Secretariat of the Programme.


Funding Amount

For each IT solution and the relevant training expenses for the employees, the funding ceiling is HK$100,000. (With funding for the relevant training expenses capped at 10 per cent of the IT solution cost). Each enterprise may receive total funding of up to HK$300,000 to undertake a project to be completed within 6 months.


After the approval of the application, an enterprise will receive 30% of the funding amount. Upon completion of the project, the enterprise needs to submit the supporting documents. When ITC accepted the document, the remaining funding amount will be disbursed to the enterprise.


Funding Scope

  • The Programme covers 12 categories of IT solutions for distance business. With a view to supporting enterprises to continue business and services during the epidemic.
  • IT solution(s) must only be implemented after approval is granted.

The list of distance business IT solutions cover:

  1. Online business

  • For the company to establish a web portal, mobile app or other online channels. With aims to promote its goods and services, by using either subscription-based or custom-built e-commerce platform, including development and management.
  • Enable consumers to place orders over the Internet.
  • Promote such online portal through search engine promotion, digital advertisement such as social media promotion, e-coupon, loyalty programme, etc.
  • Excluding production of promotion materials, contents or assets (e.g. image, text and video etc. as part of the marketing and promotion materials)
  1. Online order taking and delivery, and smart self-service systems

  • For the company to establish a web portal, mobile app or other online channels. Or for consumers to place orders of goods or services, by using either subscription-based or custom-built e-commerce platform, including development and management.
  • Such adoption of technologies should enable the company to perform end-to-end order placement and delivery to designated locations, by using e.g. smart self-servicing system, smart kiosk, smart vending machine, smart lockers, or with integration to e-logistics provider platform.
  • Suitable but not limited to industries that are acquiring or promoting self-services, such as takeaway services in Food & Beverages industries.
  • Promote such online portal through search engine promotion, digital advertisement such as social media promotion, e-coupon, loyalty programme, etc.
  • Excluding production of promotion materials, contents or assets (e.g. image, text and video etc. as part of the marketing and promotion materials)
  1. Online customer services and engagement

  • For the company to enable order placements of services to take place over the Internet, such as reservations, appointment bookings, including development and management
  • Such adoption of technologies can also include distance learning facilities
  • Promote such online portal through search engine promotion, digital advertisement such as social media promotion, e-coupon, loyalty programme, etc.
  • Excluding production of promotion materials, contents or assets (e.g. image, text and video etc. as part of the marketing and promotion materials)
  1. Digital customer experience enhancement

For the company to improve customer service experience and engagement with use of various technologies, including but not limited to the following:

  • Round-the-clock customer service support via Chatbot
  • Uplift product or service experience with use of Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality (MR) technologies or Digital Twin technology
  • Apply analytics to improve customer experience such as purchasing data
  1. Digital payment / mobile point of sale

  • Enable online / physical stores with multiple digital payment channels, e.g. payment gateway or mobile Point-of-Sales (POS)
  • Including one-time setup and associated hardware / equipment
  • Excluding the handling fee or equivalent of each payment transaction
  1. Online / cloud-based financial management systems

Adopt computerised system to manage the financial related processes of the company, including but not limited to:

  • Invoicing and bill collection, accounting and budget planning, asset and liabilities management, regulatory compliance, reporting
  • System could be cloud-based or accessible remotely by staff with appropriate cybersecurity protections
  1. Online / cloud-based human resources management systems

Adopt computerised system to manage the human resources related processes of the company, including but not limited to:

  • Payroll and expense reimbursement, attendance and leave records, training, reporting
  • System could be cloud-based or accessible remotely by staff with appropriate cybersecurity protections
  1. Remote document management, cloud storage and remote access services

  • Digitise hard copy document into electronic format and store on cloud storage
  • Enable staff to access the company information, data and system remotely with solutions such as remote desktop control, Virtual Private Network (VPN), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
  1. Virtual meeting and conference tools

Adopt tools to allow groups of people to collaborate or meet virtually through the Internet with the following functions but not limited to:

  • Support both audio and video communication, content sharing, manage appointments and registrations, meeting recordings, online polling and Q&A
  1. Virtual team management and communications

Adopt tools to allow groups of people to collaborate or communicate virtually through the Internet with the following functions but not limited to:

  • Instant messaging, video and voice calls, document sharing and co-authoring / concurrent editing, task assignment, progress monitoring and collaborative product development
  1. Cybersecurity solutions

  • Improve the cybersecurity of the companies by implementing software, hardware or services to defend against cyber attacks
  • Solution examples include but not limited to data encryption, firewall, anti-virus / malware solutions
  1. Other online / custom-built / cloud-based business support systems

  • Other solutions, either off-the-shelf or custom-built, that support the programme objectives of enabling enterprises to conduct and continue business remotely but do not fit into the above categories
  • Solution examples include but not limited to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), e-application form and approval workflow, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)



To Enroll on the Reference List, a Service Provider should possess a valid Business Registration Certificate and relevant technical capability and experience.


Application Period

Starting on 4 May 2020 at 9 am

For further information, please contact us.

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为企业提供 1,375 亿港元的金融救助计划概览

立法会财务委员会于 2020 年 4 月 18 日批准了一项 1,375 亿元的财政纾困计划。因此,抗疫基金针对企业推出第二轮措施如下:

政府将向 150 万工人支付 50%的工资,每月上限为 9,000 港元,为期 6 个月。第一次付款将在 2020 年 6 月。
向缴交强积金的自雇人士提供一次性资助(约215 000人)
暂时放宽综合社会保障援助(综援)计划的资产限额:透过综援计划提供限时失业支援计划。身体健全的申请人的资产限额将提高 100%,为期 6 个月。
一项耗资 8 亿港元的计划,让工人学习新技能或让企业应用更多技术。

非牟利机构 (NPOs) 在振兴历史建筑拯救部门下经营项目

2020 年 8 月至 11 月免除非住户帐户的 75% 水费及排污费,再延长四个月
自 2020 年 7 月 1 日起,将 公共交通服务有限公司的每月公共交通费用起征点由400元暂时放宽至200元,为期6个月。



5月2日上午,创新科技署(ITC)举行了网络研讨会。 ITC 公布了远程营商 (D-Biz) 计划的IT服务提供商参考列表的申请详情。


D-Biz 计划的概述和目标
远程办公或服务成为疫情背景下的新趋势。在抗疫基金下,ITC 推出了 D-Biz 计划,以支持企业在疫情期间继续开展业务和服务。 B-Biz计划通过快速通道处理为企业提供资金支持,以采用IT解决方案发展远程业务。香港生产力促进局是该计划的重要之处。

每个资讯科技方案连同相关培新开支的资助最高为100,000元港币 (相关培训费用的资金上限为该科技解决方案的 10%),而每家企业可获最多 300,000 元港币的资助,进行为期最长 6 个月的资助项目。


该计划涵盖了 12 类有助遥距营商的资讯方案。以期支持企业在疫情期间继续开展业务和服务。


消费者能够通过 互联网下订单。




利用扩增实景 (AR) / 虚拟实景 (VR) 或混合现实 (MR) 技术或数位孪生技术提升客户对产品或服务体验





让员工通过解决方案,如桌面远程控制、虚拟私用网络 (VPN)、虚拟桌面基础设施 (VDI) 等,以获取公司信息、数据和系统





解决方案示例,包括但不限于企业资源规划 (ERP)、电子申领表和审批工作流程、机械人流程自动化 (RPA)



2020 年 5 月 4 日上午 9 点开始

你可能想要了解:https :  //


在新冠疫情期间举行年度股东大会时需要注意什么。年度股东大会 (AGM) 是公司运营的一大重要会议,股东能够借此机会向董事会提出建议,参与公司决策,还能听取其他股东的意见。
随着新冠疫情的爆发,鉴于团体聚会和旅行限制,公司不得不提前做好 2020 年年度股东大会的安排。  只要股东大会不在公共场所举行,即不在公众人士或部分公众人士可以或获准不时在缴费或不缴费下进入的地方下进行,就不会违反这一项规定。 
根据《公司条例》(第 622 章)(“公司条例”),某些决议案须在指定期限内作出。该条例附表1第11项(“第11项”)下的豁免也可适用于此类会议。其他类型的股东大会是否属于豁免范围,须按个别情况参考相关条例或其他规管举行该等股东大会的监管文书的任何特定规定而定。
(A) 混合会议
根据第 584 条明确允许公司使用该公司出身不同地方的股东能够在股东大会上聆听、发言及表决的任何科技,在 2 个或更多地点举行年度股东大会。公司可以检视其章程细则,以确定其章程是否容许混合式成员大会的举行。
根据《公司条例》第 576 条,如果股东大会在 2 个或更多地点举行。公司须载股东大会通知内指明举行该股东大会的主要会场及举行股东大会的其他会场。
(B) 预注册和代理投票
根据《公司条例》第 585(3) 条,若公司有超过 1 名成员,则根据公司章程的规定,亲自或委托代理人出席的 2 名成员为公司股东大会的法定人数。《公司条例》第 596 至 608 条(第 12 部分第 1 分部第 9 分部)规定的委任代理人的权利以及与委任代理人有关的程序。
(C) 参加人数限制
(D) 其他预防措施
公司应在会议地点采取适当的预防措施。例如 –
你可能想要了解:http :  //

Distance Business ( D-Biz) Programme under the Anti-epidemic Fund

The novel coronavirus epidemic has brought exceptional challenges to Hong Kong. The Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Nicholas W. Yang, announced that the Innovation and Technology Bureau will allocate HKD$500 million to launch a Distance Business ( D-Biz) Programme Anti-epidemic Fund. In order to support local enterprises to continue their business and services through adoption of IT solutions during the epidemic. 

Overview and Objectives

Remote working or service has become a new trend against the backdrop of the epidemic. The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) has launched the D-Biz Programme to support enterprises through the adoption of IT solutions. The Hong Kong Productivity Council is appointed as the Secretariat. 

Funding Amount

The D-Biz Programme will provide 100% funding support to qualified enterprises, subject to a cap of HK$100,000 per IT solution (related training expenses to be capped at 10% of solution cost) and HK$300,000 per enterprise. An initial payment of 30% of the approved funding amount is payable to a designated bank account after the application has been approved.

Funding Scope

To facilitate enterprises to identify suitable IT solutions, we will provide Lists of IT Solutions and IT Service Providers for their reference, with a view to expediting processing time and benefiting the enterprises as soon as possible.

The List of IT Solutions will cover 13 categories of IT solutions for supporting distance business.

Examples of Distance Business Funding Scope on Online and Digitalise on

  1. E-shop
  2. Order taking & delivery, smart self-service system online (such as online food ordering & delivery solution, smart lockers, smart kiosk, smart vending machine, etc.)
  3. Customer services online & engagement (such as online ticketing, online booking system, CRM , virtual service delivery, online medical consultation etc.)
  4. Customer experience enhancement (such as Chatbot, AI, AR / VR, Customer Analytics, etc.)
  5. Online marketing
  6. Digital payment / mobile POS
  7. Cloud / Online based Financial management system (such as electronic invoicing system)
  8. Human resources management system online or cloud based (such as electronic payroll system, employee self-service portal, talent management, online training system, online & location based attendance / clocking monitoring and reporting, employee leave management, employee reimbursement handling system, etc.)
  9. Remote document management and cloud storage (such as shared drive) and remote access services (such as remote desktop control, Virtual Private Network, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)
  10. Virtual meeting & conference tool
  11. Virtual team management & communications (such as collaboration tool, instant messaging platform, etc.)
  12. Cybersecurity solutions (such as firewall, anti-virus / malware solution, etc.)
  13. Other Online / cloud based business support system (such as ERP, e-application form and approval workflow, robotic process automation, etc.)


All private enterprises (except listed companies, statutory bodies and NGOs funded by the Government), are eligible to apply. Qualified enterprise must have valid Business Registration Certificate with business commenced before 1 January 2020 and have substantive business operation in the related industry at the time of application.

Application Period

This Programme is open for application from 4 May to 31 October 2020 for a period of 6 months.

Think, everyone feels exciting of the D-Biz Programme. For the application and assessment procedure, we still need to wait for the official announcement.

For further information, please contact us.

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与税务局的流程 – 第 1 步
在这个过程中,公司需要得到税务局已写的通知。您需要填写 IR1263 表格并将其与费用一起提交给税务局局长。

处理 CR(公司注册) – 第 2 步

公司注销(CR & IRD)


填写正确的表格 NDR1。

文件到位后,公司可以将这些文件提交给 CR。注销登记的最后步骤将如下进行。

CR 将在香港宪报刊登拟注销登记的公告。公告发布之日起三个月内未有公众反对的,将在宪报刊登最终公告。同时,申请人或被提名人也将收到同样的通知。

你可能想要了解:http :  //