18 months after the date of incorporation of your company, you will receive your first Profit Tax Return Form from the Inland Revenue Department. Here below are 4 important points you should know about that form.

1. Don’t miss the deadline!
The deadline for submitting the Profit Tax Return Form is 3 months after the issued date for your first year after incorporation. On the following years, the deadline is reduced to 1 month after the issued date. The date of issue is on the front page of the form. If you miss the deadline, you have a high chance of receiving a penalty. Your form is unique, and cannot be downloaded from the internet, so if it is missing, you must ask for a new one by contacting the Inland Revenue Department as soon as possible.

2. Prepare your accounting
For accounting, you need all financial information from incorporation date to the cut-off date of the financial period. If you are not an expert in accounting, you should seek a professional accountant for help. Centre O provides accounting services and advice on choosing your company financial period.

3. Submit the accounts to the auditor
Your auditor normally asks for all the accounting documents of your company, such as sales and expense invoices, bank statements, etc. Finally, they will ask you to sign the bank confirmation letter.

4. Review the audited financial statements and sign them
You are required to review and sign the audited financial statements of your company. You may leave the profit text return form to your auditor so they can fill it out and submit it together with the financial statements to the Inland Revenue Department.

Don’t forget about your deadlines, no one wants penalties! Again, feel free to find Centre O if you need any help, we provide business services for every situation. Please contact us at sales@centreo.hk for more information.


在贵公司成立之日起 18 个月后,您会收到税务局寄出的第一份利得税申报表。以下是您需要了解这个表格的 4 个要点。
提交利得税申报表的截止日期是公司成立后第一年的签发日期后 3 个月。在接下来的几年里,截止日期会减少到发布日期后的 1 个月。如果您错过了截止日期,您很有可能会受到处罚。您的表格是独一无二的,无法从互联网上下载,因此如果丢失,您必须尽快联系税务局索取一份新表格。
2. 准备您的会计
会计方面,您需要从公司成立日期到财务期截止日期的所有财务信息。如果您不是会计专家,您应该寻求专业会计师的帮助。Center O 可以提供会计服务和有关选择公司财务期的建议。
3. 将账目提交给审计师
不要忘记你的截止日期,没有人想要惩罚!同样,如果您需要任何帮助,请随时找到 Centre O,我们为各种情况提供商业服务。请通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系以获取更多信息。


If you have a messy office desk, and you still struggle to find your things quickly, you are one of the many that suffer from office desk clutter.

So you’ve got a desk or office you would like to tidy up. We’ve all been there, there’s no shame about it. Check out the advice below to get it under control and make your life more productive.

1. Ask yourself: Do I really need all this stuff?
Sometimes, the temptation of cheap office supplies means we purchase far too much in the name of bargains. But remember, a bargain is not a bargain if you never use the items you buy! Before you jump on a sale, ask yourself, “Does the company already have something that serves the same function?” For example, if we have an A4 label sheet, we don’t need a label maker.

2. Throw things away. Be ruthless.
Once you’ve identified redundant supplies, get rid of them! Get a big trash bag and start from sweeping stuff away. Dead pens, blurred rulers, and old decorations all have got to go. After you’ve done this, you’re well on your way to decluttering.

3. Have a small tray for temporary storage
If you have small things you don’t know how to handle, put them into a small tray to gain some temporary space. However, don’t forget to clean this tray regularly! Set a weekly or daily reminder to clear it out.

4. Organize your stuff
Keeping certain things in certain places will mean you’ll never spend time searching for your items again. Return items to your desk and drawers to the same place each time and you’ll always know exactly where they are, giving you a sense of better control on your life.

5. Follow the rules you set strictly
Now that you’ve identified the problems and set rules for organising things, you have to follow them! Keeping a clean office space can be very difficult, especially for a busy entrepreneur, but taking a couple minutes every day to tackle your messy desk gives you a sense of control and allows you to focus on what’s really important: your business.


1. 问问自己:我真的需要所有这些东西吗?
有时,廉价办公用品的诱惑意味着我们以便宜货的名义购买的太多。但请记住,如果您从不使用您购买的物品,那么便宜就不算便宜!在你开始销售之前,问问自己,“公司是否已经有一些服务于相同功能的东西?” 例如,如果我们有一张 A4 标签纸,我们就不需要标签制造商。
2. 决绝地扔东西。
3. 一个临时存放东西的小盒
4. 整理你的东西
5. 严格遵守您制定的规则

5 个销售问题

1. 你是怎么听说我们的?
2. 你必须拥有、应该拥有和可能拥有的东西是什么?
3. 你的决策过程是怎样的?
4. 明年,您的业务需要发生哪些变化,您如何看待您的业务增长?
5. 有什么可以阻止这笔交易的发生吗?


While closing sales, asking is usually more important than answering questions. When utilized well, questions can help shape the conversation and engage your clients in a more relevant way. Below are five sales questions that you should ask while meeting potential clients.

1. How did you hear about us?
This question can help you to know which angle to use when selling the benefit of your products or services. You can also get a preliminary understanding of your clients’ needs and wishes.

2. What are your must-haves, should-haves and could-haves?
This can help you and the clients to prioritise what should be discussed during the conversation. Avoiding to waste time on ‘could-have’ items can allow you to discuss more deeply the deal-breaking priorities.

3. What’s your decision-making process like?
In order to influence clients’ final decision, it is necessary to identify how clients think. Mastering the management of how clients think will help you secure successful sales.

4. In the next year, what needs changing in your business, and how do you see your business growing?
This question can help you to know how to establish the relationship between you and your clients. It is necessary when you want to build long-term relationships with clients.

5. Is there anything that could stop this deal from happening?

If your clients have shown a buying signal, you can directly close the sale. However, if the sale has taken a long time and your clients still haven’t shown any buying signal, asking this question can move out the roadblock and help you to close the sale sooner.

销售,你应该知道的 5 件事

1. 倾听客户的意见
4. 留意购买欲
5. 询问销售


Being able to close deals effectively can help you stand out from the competitive market, which can be very beneficial to your business. Herein below are the five things you should consider to close sales in a more efficient way.

1. Listen to your clients
It is elementary to listen to your clients as you want to better understand their needs, as you want to know more about them and offer your products / services accordingly. In addition, it can give your clients a sense of being valued.

2. Sell the outcome, not the process
During the sale, you should be able to show clients your strength. Every business is the same on paper, but the outcome makes your business unique. Therefore, you should share your successful experiences on handling similar case, instead of going into technical details about the process.

3. Be the best value, not the lowest price
It is important to note that clients are always looking for quality of service. Therefore, you should emphasise about the value you provide and the reason why you charge a certain rate, instead of stressing the attention on the low price of your product/service.

4. Recognize buying signal
When clients show buying signal, it is the best time for you to confirm the sale. Key buying signals include referencing your product/service as part of their business or asking about accepted payment options.

5. Ask for the sales
It may seem obvious but you should definitely ask for the sales clearly, so that your clients know you want to do business with them. Sometimes, they will reject the deal and come up with response such as seeking for other professionals or reviewing budgets. Instead of giving up on your sales, you should remember to follow up with your clients. They can change their initial idea anytime.