Private Limited Company Vs Public Limited Company

Private Limited Company Vs Public Limited Company

A private company in Hong Kong is often set up for the purpose of conducting small business. A private company does not need to file its accounts with the Companies Registry, so that it may maintain confidence of the financial situation of the company. As defined by the Companies Ordinance of Hong Kong, it is a company that:

  • Restricts the right to transfer shares
  • Limits the number of members to 50 people
  • Prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for shares in the company

A public company, on the other hand, fails to obey the rules as stated above. A public company does not have the same financial privacy as a private company and must submit its annual accounts. When a public company submits its annual accounts, they are then put on public record for inspection. Beneath the spectrum of public companies, one may also find “listed companies”. A listed company is on the Hong Kong Stock exchange, meaning their shares are freely transferable by the public. A listed company not only obtains substantial finance by issuing shares to the public, but also enjoys better facilities from the banks.

Ready to start a business? Centre O helps you setup your business properly. Contact us at or 3124 2888 for more details!


将成员数量限制为 50 人
准备好要创业了吗?Center O 可帮助您正确设置业务。联络我们 或 3124 2888 了解更多详情!

The Hong Kong Careers and Education Expo

The Hong Kong Careers and Education Expo

The Hong Kong Careers and Education Expo will be held from the 1st of February to the 4th of February. This event will be in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Also, it is free and open to the public. At this expo, visitors can find booths displaying different colleges, universities, and language schools from around the world! Therefore, if you are looking to further your education or even find a job in education, this will be the fair for you!

We always welcome tips

Also, we hope you are still enjoy reading about the different business related events in Hong Kong. You are always welcome to give us tips to what you would like to read more about. We, at Centre O, are always ready to have a productive dialog and we always appreciate our clients views.

Last, you can click this link to learn more:


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Company Limited by Shares Vs Company Limited by Guarantee

Company Limited by Shares Vs Company Limited by Guarantee

A company limited by its shares

A company limited by its shares is the most common form one will see when trading and doing business. This form of company’s liability is limited to the value of the shares. What this means is that the capital of the company is broken down into shares that are owned by the investors (also known as “shareholders”). If the company successfully turns a profit, then the shareholders receive a dividend of money from the company. If the company suffers a loss, the shareholders, at most, will lose their investments in the shares of the company.


A company limited by guarantee

A company limited by guarantee are used mainly for non-profit organizations that require some sort of legal personality. Instead of being limited by capital, its limited by guarantee. This means that the parties involved are guarantee members and not shareholders. Instead of investing capital, members agree to invest a predetermined sum to cover its liabilities if the company ends up in trouble. The advantages to this kind of company is a fixed liability, whereas the disadvantages lie in the profits. Profits cannot be distributed and working capital will be very limited.

We are happy to answer your questions about any types of companies or company incorporation. Contact us at

You may also be interested in these other blog articles:

Step 1 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company

Step 2 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company

Step 3 of Setting Up a Hong Kong Limited Company





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Advangtages and disadvantages of a Limited Company – a summary

Advantages and disadvantages of a Limited Company

Last week, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a Limited Company in details. Here is the summary for your clear understanding.


Involvement of considerable documentation and expenses in forming and maintaining a company. 

A company has to disclose certain information to the public. This happens by filing returns with the Companies Registry, such as personal particulars of shareholders, directors and secretary, and mortgage and transfer of shares. This means that the shareholders are the owners of the company. Also, the directors are the management personnel of the company.

Further, it is easy to transfer shares. The transfer of shares do not affect the management or disrupt daily operations Separate ownership and management: a company has the separation of ownership and management.


Limited liability.
Greater continuity: the liability of the shareholders for the company is limited to the amount of their respective shareholdings.
Easy to obtain finance: can easily create a “floating charge” to use to get loans from banks. This “floating charge” allows companies to use their assets for collateral to get loans. More demanding in complying with the Companies Ordinance.
Separate legal entity: a company is treated as a separate person and has the ability to buy property in its name, take legal action against others, etc., Also, a company can only be closed by liquidation.

Last, we are happy to offer Company Incorporation Services! Therefore, you can reach us at +852 31242888 or email us at


– 股东的个人资料
– 董事的个人资料
– 公司秘书
– 股份转让
– 资本结构
– 年度账目
停业:只能通过清算关闭。必须任命一名清算人来变现公司的资产并向债权人/股东分配股息。如果公司资不抵债,关闭公司的适当机制是债权人自愿强制清盘。该程序本身很复杂且相当昂贵,通常需要指定一名律师来处理这个过程。即使是一家简单的公司,清算成本也要超过 10,000 港元。
最后,如果您对公司注册有任何疑问,请随时通过 或 +852 31242888 与我们联系。

What are the Disadvantages of a Limited Company?

Limited Company

A limited company has several disadvantages, such as:

  • Publicity: a company is required to disclose certain information to the public by filing returns with the Companies Registry, such as:

– Personal particulars of shareholders

– Personal particulars of directors

– Company secretary

– Transfer of shares

– Capital structure

– Annual Accounts

  • Expenses: There are the expenses of setting up the company, which is slightly more expensive when compared with that of a partnership. There is a continuing obligation on the part of the directors and company secretary of the company. This obligation is to file prescribed returns with the Companies Registry, as well as prepared audited accounts.
  • Complications: A company has to maintain certain registers; such as, registers of members, directors and secretary, of charge, etc., There must be annual meetings held to keep the company running smoothly.
  • Cessation of Business: It can only be closed via liquidation. A liquidator has to be appointed to realize the assets of the company and distribute dividends to creditors/shareholders. If the company is insolvent, the proper mechanism for closing a company would be creditors voluntarily compulsory winding up. The procedure itself is complicated and quite expensive. Quite often it is required to appoint a lawyer to handle the process. The cost of liquidation for even a simple company would be more than HK$10,000.
  • Taxation: The profits tax rate for a company is 16.5%, which is slightly higher than that (16%) for sole proprietorship and partnership. Nevertheless, as a lot of expenses of a company are tax deductible. Therefore, even though the tax rate may be high, it may not really be a disadvantage to a private limited company.

Last, if you have any questions about company incorporation, please feel free to contact us at or +852 31242888.