How to prepare the employment contract?

A written employment contract reminds both employer and employee obligations, avoids argument, needed for the payroll services and clearly protects the rights and benefits of both parties. After employer hires the employee, employer should give the employment contract to the employee in details. In fact, both parties must sign if they agree with the declaration.

Employment contract must contain:
1.Name of the employee
3.The position
4.Description of the position
5.The nature of position( part-time, full-time or temporary)
6.Salary and benefits
7.Conditions (hours per week, leave days per year)
8.Work arrangement during bad weather

The employer and the employee shall retain a copy of this employment contract for future reference.

Contact us at and we will handle all your administrative procedures so you can fully concentrate on your business!

What kind of business entrepreneur are you according to commitment?

In the book ‘The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 pages’ is described 3 kinds of entrepreneur’s style according to their commitment.

Part Timer: they work obviously full-time, but only 40 hours a week based on a labor-based system as in the 1860’s.
Full Timer: they work obviously more than part timers since they are looking at the market, their competitors in order to develop their businesses the right way.
All The Timer: they could be involved day and night in their business as they are fully passionate and involved in it!

What kind of entrepreneur are you? We would be curious to know and help you out to get some more free time to focus on your business while we are taking care of the administrative procedures.

Contact us at for more details.



兼职:他们显然是全职工作,但基于 1860 年代的基于劳动力的系统,每周只有 40 小时。

你是怎样的企业家? 让我们在处理行政程序的同时了解您,并帮助您获得更多的自由时间集中在您的业务, 与我们联系,了解更多详情。



我不需要在申请时获得工作机会,也能获得了 12 个月的逗留期。 2016 年夏末毕业,在我的学生签证于 2016 年 11 月到期前不久申请了 IANG。


1. ID 990A,
3. 生物识别护照页,
4. 最新入境印章,
5. 香港身份证复印件,
6.毕业证复印件。 与我们联系,了解更多信息。祝你申请顺利!

IANG visa

I want to share my experience as a fresh graduate from the University of Hong Kong. As a full-time overseas student, I could stay in Hong Kong for employment as a professional under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG).

I was not required to have secured an offer of employment upon application and was granted 12 months’ stay. Graduated in late summer 2016 and applied for IANG shortly before my student visa expired in November 2016.

According to officials, it could take around two weeks to process the application of a fresh grad. In my case, I have received my visa in less than a week. While waiting for the IANG visa approval, I was enjoying Hong Kong, doing sports and sightseeing, as we are not allowed to work “inbetween visas” and are advised not to leave Hong Kong.

The documents required are:
1. ID 990A,
2. a recent photograph,
3. biometric passport page,
4. latest arrival stamp,
5. a copy of the HKID,
6. a copy of the graduation certificate.

Contact us at for more information. Good luck with your application!

How to remain resilient as an entrepreneur? Last days of 2016 to remain strong, we’re sure you can make it!

Because your entrepreneur journey won’t be made of beautiful moments only, but also challenges and difficulties; you must be resilient to keep going with your ideas and project. Here are 5 advices you can use to boost and maintain your resiliency:
1- Maintain A Positive Attitude
2- Establish A Support Network
3- Take Care of Yourself
4- Play To Your Strengths
5- Be The Doctor
Are you developing your business in Hong Kong? Are you lacking time with all the challenges you have to face? Then, contact us at and we will handle all your administrative procedures so you can fully concentrate on your business!
#Resiliency #Challenges #Entrepreneur #BusinessinHK #CentreO


因为你的创业之路不仅有美好的瞬间,还有挑战和困难;你必须有动力才能继续你的想法和项目。这里有 5 条建议,您可以用来提高和保持动力:
1- 保持积极的态度
2- 设立鼓励网站
3- 照顾好自己
4- 发挥自己的优势
5- 成为自己的医生
您是否在香港发展业务?您是否没有时间应对必须面对的所有挑战?那么,通过 与我们联系,我们将处理您所有的行政程序,让您可以完全专注于您的业务!
#动力 #挑战 #企业家 #香港商业 #CentreO



是什么让您在艰难地探索中成为企业家以及为什么您注定要成为企业家之后,故事才真正从第 1 章开始!在这里,我们将通过 6 个步骤来完成您的创业之旅!

1 – 真相:“接受当今现实的真相,并亲自致力于改变它。”体验成为一名企业家并不总是那么顺利和容易。你将面临好的和坏的情况。遇到困难,不要逃避,而是正视和接受自己的问题,解决问题!

2 – 愿景:“不是发生什么事情,我都要按我的选择走。”你的个人决定使您的公司成为不受他人影响,这对您的业务充满情感和热情,对未来有远见。你必须专注于你想法的最终结果,而不是为了钱而关注金钱!

3 – 承诺:“坚持你的决定,但在你的方法上保持灵活性。”您的承诺代表了对您愿景的奉献!每个企业家每周都会有不同的职业道德和时间表。在本书中,分为3个类别:专注于自己主要技能和能力的兼职人员,也能够了解市场演变的全职人员以及永不停息且充满激情的所有时间人员!三者中选择你最喜欢的😉

4 – 弹性:“我确信我有从任何挫折或挑战中恢复过来的能力。”你不断面临挑战,所以你需要毅力和动力来维持。确实,正如我们从一开始所说的,企业家是坚强的,所以你不能在情绪上崩溃。专注于您的愿景!

5 – 验证:“起初他们会问我为什么这样做,稍后他们会问我是如何做到的。”一旦你完成了 4 个第一步,你的创业项目不管通过何种形式都能获取成功。你一直在努力实现你的第一笔销售或让你的业务登上报纸,这是令人鼓舞的未来。

6 – 漂移或驾驶:“我选择驾驶而不是漂移。”这确实是一个你应该小心的决定。也许自从你开始你的项目以来,你已经漂移了,但有时这还不够。制定一个有意识的计划,这样您就可以继续开展您的活动并再次完成整个过程!

看完本文,您是否准备好开启自己的创业之旅?可以通过 联系我们,我们将支持您在香港设立公司!
#企业家#路径 #香港 #Centre O