The Life of an Entrepreneur in 90 Pages from Patrick Bet-David with Thomas N. Ellsworth

This book has actually been recommended to me. It is short, clear, and also pragmatic using many concrete and recent examples.
After a tough start to discover WHAT makes you an entrepreneur and WHY you are meant to be an entrepreneur, the story really began from Chapter 1! Here we will go through the 6 steps advised to complete your entrepreneur journey!

1 – The Truth: “Accept the truth of today’s reality, and personally commit to change it.” It is not always smooth and easy to experience being an entrepreneur. You will face good as bad situations. When it comes to difficulties, do not runaway, but face and accept your problems so as to solve them!

2 – Vision: “I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” Make your company a personal decision that won’t be influenced by others. Be emotional and passionate in your business to have a vision for the future. You have to focus on the end result of your idea, and not on money for the sake of money!

3 – Commitment: “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” Your commitment represents the dedication to your vision! Every entrepreneur will have a different work ethic and schedule per week. In this book, 3 categories are recognized: part-timers who focus on their main skills and abilities, full-timers who are also able to be aware of the market evolution and all-timers that never stops and are passionate! Pick your favorite

4 – Resiliency: “I am certain I have the inner strength to bounce back from any setback or challenge.” You keep facing challenges, so you need perseverance and resiliency to sustain. Indeed, as we said from the beginning, being
an entrepreneur is tough, so you cannot break emotionally. Stay focus on your vision!

5 – Validation: “At first they will ask WHY I did it. Later they will ask HOW I did it.” Once you’ve been through the 4 first steps, your entrepreneurial project has to be validated by any forms of success. You’ve been working hard to achieve your first sales or to get your business on a Newspaper, and it is encouraging for the future to come.

6 – Drift or Drive: “I choose to drive not drift.” This is indeed a decision you should be careful with. Maybe you’ve drifted since you started your project, but there might be a time where this won’t be enough. Drive with an intentional plan so you can continue developing your activities and go through the whole process again!

After reading this, you feel ready for your own entrepreneurial journey? Contact us at and we will support your company setup in Hong Kong!
#Entrepreneur #Path #HongKong #CentreO


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此过程对所有丢失/损坏的香港身份证都是相同的,你得支付 370 港元的费用,所以最好不要经常丢失它!
我说的是一次真实的经历🙂,如果您需要帮助,只需通过 与我联系。

What happens if I lose my HK ID card?

Are you a little clumsy? Or simply unlucky, and you lost your HK ID card?

Be aware that you should enquire for a new one within the next 2 weeks! Then, it’s pretty easy and the exact same as your first HK ID card application, except from the fact that you need to submit your HK ID card number. So you just need to book an appointment online, go to the Immigration Tower, and apply again for your HK ID card.

This process is the same for all lost / damaged HK ID cards. You get a fee of HK$370 so better you don’t lose it too often!

Cheers people, and if you need some help, simply contact me at, I’m talking about a lived experience