JCI Dragon Hong Kong – Entrepreneurs Challenge

JCI Dragon is a chapter of the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong. It gathers a pool of dynamic and talented professionals, aiming to contribute to the local community. As every year, they are organizing an entrepreneurial challenge for high school students during summer time.

Josephine, representing Centre O, had the opportunity to participate to the event this year. By holding a talk on ‘How to get the best people to work for you?’ and being a judge for the competition, she really enjoyed sharing her entrepreneurial experience to guide these young future entrepreneurs to understand better the reality of the business world. They had to create an innovative startup of their choice, in the industry they wish. It was very interesting to see them evolving among the different steps of the competition, improving their presentation skills and materials. It was a great opportunity for Centre O to support Hong Kong young generation and the talents of tomorrow!

The final took place on Saturday, August 20th, and it was quite an experience to be part of it, as an expat. It is the typical kind of Cantonese official event. I like to call it the ‘Cantonese Pictures Mania’! Indeed, since it is benefiting the local young generation, many governmental and official persons related to education were present. Each and every one of them held a short talk to show their gratitude and support to organise this kind of events for high school students. But in the end, in my opinion, it was a lot more about political communication. They were here for an hour, and then left before the students even presented their projects. They are considered as really busy people and they are supposed to behave this way. They all had to go on stage and take individual pictures, followed by pictures with the two main organizers, to finish by a group pictures gathering all these official persons and judges for the event. It was very impressive to me how everything was based on ephemeral and pretended participation from this official people. But it is their role in Hong Kong, to be considered by the government and be attributed subsidies in education. Thus, it is very important and relevant to have this over-communication to obtain governmental contribution, which is great for developing future talented generation of Hong Kong!

香港腾龙青年商会 – 企业家的挑战

代表Center O 的Josephine 有机会参加今年的活动。通过举办一场关于“如何让最优秀的人为你工作?”的演讲。作为比赛的评委,她非常喜欢分享自己的创业经验,引导这些年轻的未来创业者更好地了解商业世界的现实。他们必须在他们希望的行业中创建他们选择的创新创业公司。看到他们在比赛的不同环节中不断进步,提高他们的演讲技巧和材料,这让人非常有趣。这对 Centre O 来说是一个支持香港年轻一代和未来人才的好机会!
决赛于 8 月 20日,星期六举行,作为一名外籍人士,在这个典型的粤语官方活动,能成为其中的一员是一次非常棒的经历。我喜欢称它为“粤剧狂热”!事实上,由于它造福了当地的年轻一代,许多与教育有关的政府和官员都出席了会议。他们每个人都举行了简短的谈话,以表达对为高中生举办此类活动的感谢和支持,他们也都会上台单独拍照,然后与两位主要组织者合影,最后由所有这些官方人士和评委的集体合影结束。但最终,在我看来,更多的是关于政治交流,因为他们在这里待了一个小时,然后在学生们展示他们的项目之前就离开了,让人感觉他们是非常忙碌的人,是应该以这种方式行事。令我印象深刻的是,一切都是基于这个官方人员的短暂和假装参与,但他们在香港的角色,被政府考虑,并归于教育补贴。因此,通过这种交流来获得政府的贡献是非常重要和相关的,这对于香港未来的天才人才的培养是非常重要的。

荃湾 – 香港工业区

我们去那里是为了会见一些 Center O 的客户!其中之一是 Alex Yee,他是一家名为 Creative Packaging Resources Limited 的家族印刷公司的企业家。他在世界各地都有不同的网站,尤其是在香港、中国、台湾和美国。我们参观了他在荃湾的物业,以进一步了解他们的组织方式和运作方式,而在香港主要聚集写字楼和备货区。由于他们正在扩大印刷能力,所有印刷设施现在都在中国和台北,而香港将是唯一的库存订单的地方,他们还计划建立一个专门的样品和试用区域,只发送给客户。位于荃湾的事实对他们来说是很实用的,因为从那里前往中国很容易!


Have you ever been to Tsuen Wan? It is located in New Territories. Slightly far away from Hong Kong Island, and way different when you get there! This is one of the main industrial areas in Hong Kong. There, you can find many factories and industrial buildings. Basically there, companies get spacious areas at a much more reasonable price than in Hong Kong Island. Therefore, many warehouses and logistic enterprises are based there. Plus, the fact that they are all present within the same area is quite convenient to synergize between each other. Also, customers and external companies working in partnership with firms in Tsuen Wan tend to benefit from this geographic concentration.

We went there to meet a few Centre O customers! One of them is Alex Yee, business owner of a family printing company called Creative Packaging Resources Limited. He has different sites all around the world, especially in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, and the US. We visited around his properties in Tsuen Wan to discover a bit more how they are organised and the way they operate. Hong Kong mainly gathers offices and stocking areas. Since they are expanding their printing capacities, all the printing facilities are now in China and Taipei. Hong Kong will be only the place where to stock orders, and also they are planning on establishing a special area for samples and trials only to be sent to the customers. The fact that they are located in Tsuen Wan is practical for them in the way that it’s easy to travel to China from there!

Are you planning to run an industrial business? Do you need space to setup your facilities? Are you collaborating with China a lot? Then, Tsuen Wan is a place for you to consider establishing your business!

开展香港业务的 3 个步骤

Center O 商务中心帮助您快速顺畅地开展业务,让您方便、简单、安心。
现在就采取行动吧!通过 sales@centreo.hk 与我们联系,并访问www.centreo.hk以获取更多业务支持服务。

3 steps to start a Hong Kong Business

It’s quick and simple to start a Hong Kong limited company.

Firstly, you need to decide on the company name, whom to be director(s), shareholder(s) and company secretary.

Secondly, incorporate your business at the Company Registry and Inland Revenue Department.

Lastly, create your company green box and prepare certified true copies of documents for bank account opening.

Centre O Business Centre helps you with quick and smooth startup, giving you convenience, simplicity and peace of mind.

Act now! Contact us at sales@centreo.hk and visit www.centreo.hk for more business supporting services.


Center O 商务中心帮助您在香港顺利设立代表处。我们帮助您处理文件、申请商业登记和代表处的预订公司印章,让我们帮助您轻松开展业务。
现在就采取行动吧!详情请致电 852+ 31242888 或电邮至 sales@centreo.hk。浏览www.centreo.hk了解更多服务。