JCCAC Arts Village and Arts Centre

The JCCAC calls itself a “multidisciplinary arts village and arts centre” that is dedicated to cultivating a creative spirit that nurtures creators and encourages visitors to live a more artistic life. On the ground floor and in the basement, there are frequent classes, theatre productions, and shops open to the public to visit and view. On the higher floors, there are studios available for rent to full-time artists.

Every three months, the JCCAC holds a handicraft fair to highlights the art created by its members and other artists in Hong Kong. Centre O attended and interviewed one of the exhibitors. 

Sewn Sewn Interview

Interview with Aiden, Founder of SEWNSEWN

Q. How did you apply to get a booth?

A. Their Facebook and Instagram had the most up to date information. There were some forms to fill out, asking about your brand, what you sell, about your training, your usual price range, and for a portfolio. You submit the forms online about two months beforehand and they take about a month to reply. I think there were about 500 applications and 100 booths, so I was delighted to be among the selected artists!

Q. How much did it cost? Was it worth it?

A. I rented a full table for two days, which was HK$800, but a half table is only $400. Since I paid over PayPal, I was charged an extra $65, too. There was the option to get a power strip for $100 and extra chairs for $50, but I didn’t need those. It was worth it for me, I gained a lot of good exposure and made a small profit. I was in the basement with the newer brands, too, and the more established creators on the first floor received a bit more space and traffic. During the fair, you can also visit the studios on the higher floors, but they don’t sell anything there. I plan on attending again in December.

Q. What advice do you have for entrepreneurs applying and selling there?

A. Produce something unique. That’s what they’re really looking at. Most people were looking to pay $200-300 at each place they like. My handbags were more expensive than that, but I still did well because people are ready to pay more for more elaborated products. If you really like Instagram or Facebook, offer a discount for follows and likes. It’s a great way to get exposure.

Aiden Wong, Founder of SewnSewn, @sewnsewn

The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre fair is a great place for new and experienced artists alike to sell their goods. On every other day of the year, the JCCAC is a great resource for artists starting off, so check it out at the Shek Kip Mei station.

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