
快速网络活动 2016 – 05 -18 昨晚,我们在神湾区的 Centre O 商务中心成功举办了 Speed Networking 活动。热心创业的男女朋友前来洽谈业务,建立业务网络。 当您在一个满是陌生人的房间里并且不一定能认识合适的人时,快速网络可能会令人生畏。在一个便利的网络项目中,创业伙伴可以让你最大限度地利用时间,快速建立业务联系。这是我们在这次活动中的目标,而我们成功举办并实现了。参与者展示并分享了他们的商业理念和概念,他们为商机创造了业务联系。通过投票,最好的两位被选为商业共享,他们是 Danielle Taylor 和 Daniele Locati。我们诚挚地邀请他们拍摄有关他们业务的视频,这些视频将上传到我们的网站和社交媒体。视频将于 6 月发布! 我们的下一个活动即将到来!通过我们的社交媒体与我们保持联系。每时每刻都可能是企业的千载难逢的机会! 我们结合了方便、简单和安心。Center O 将帮助您从复杂的运营过程中解脱出来,让您完全可以专注于您的业务,而您只需与我们建立您的业务! 详情请浏览 http://www.meetup.com/Multi-Network-Business-Community/及 http://centreo.hk/speed-networking-event/ (图片)


跟进每个时期的公司业绩对您来说非常重要,这样您就可以维护和保养您的业务。 在您完成与客户的交易并为您的公司支付了一些费用后,您必须保留所有这些记录,包括关于公司的每月银行对账单、每份合同、发票和收据。 之后,请将它们存放在安全的地方,以便您的会计师记账(鞋盒是您存放它们的好地方!)。 最后,您的会计师将帮助您进行管理账目并为您准备年终财务报表。 如果您对簿记和会计程序有任何疑问,请随时与我们联系:josephine@centreo.hk或查看其他有关会计和审计的文章。

Thank you all for coming our event : Best Practices and Insights for Hiring Freelancers

Thanks for those who came to our “Best Practices and Insights for Hiring Freelancers” and also our professor speaker Dr.Abhishek Kathuria to share his experience on Tuesday! We hope you enjoyed the talk and know more about hiring a right Freelancer for your company. Please stay always updated about our upcoming events

How to maintain & upkeep my business ?

It is very important for you to keep track of the company performance in each period , so that you can maintain and upkeep your business . After you have done the transactions with customers and made some expenses for your company, you have to keep all theses records ,including monthly bank statements,every contracts,invoices and …

Speed Networking Event

Speed Networking Event 18-05-2016 Last night we hosted a Speed Networking event successfully at Centre O Business Centre, Sheun Wan District. Enthusiastic men and women who interested in entrepreneurship came for business connection and business network. Speed Networking can be intimidating when you are in a room full of strangers and don’t necessarily know the …

Thank you all for coming our event : Best Practices and Insights for Hiring Freelancers

Thanks for those who came to our “Best Practices and Insights for Hiring Freelancers” and also our professor speaker Dr.Abhishek Kathuria to share his experience on Tuesday! We hope you enjoyed the talk and know more about hiring a right Freelancer for your company. Please stay always updated about our upcoming events !