Speed Networking Event

Speed Networking Event


Last night we hosted a Speed Networking event successfully at Centre O Business Centre, Sheun Wan District. Enthusiastic men and women who interested in entrepreneurship came for business connection and business network.

Speed Networking can be intimidating when you are in a room full of strangers and don’t necessarily know the right people to approach. Fellow entrepreneurs in a facilitated networking program allow you to maximize your time and make business connections quickly. It was our goal in this event and we achieved. Speed Networking was successfully held. Participants presented and shared their business ideas and concepts. They created business connection for business opportunities. Through voting, the best two were voted for business sharing who are Danielle Taylor and Daniele Locati. They are cordially invited for video shooting about their business which will upload to our website and social media. The videos are coming in June!

Our next event is coming very soon! Stay connected with us with our social media.  Every moment could be the golden opportunity for businesses!

We combine convenience, simplicity and peace of mind. Centre O will help you to free from the complicated start-up process and let you fully focus on your business. Just build up your business with us!

For more detail, please visit http://www.meetup.com/Multi-Network-Business-Community/ and http://centreo.hk/speed-networking-event/

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