
Looking for young talent? Need a fresh perspective for your project? Get an intern from Hong Kong or overseas. Rent a Gwailo!

What happens when overseas experience meets local expertise? A former expat intern and an innovative Hong Kong business owner developed an innovative solution for local companies known as Rent a Gwailo.

Together we know all the good, the bad and the ugly about the ever-so-difficult process of finding the right person for the job. We have seen it all.

Ads on job hunting websites, countless interviews, background checks, extensive on the job training…..and a week later your favourite intern is leaving for a better offer. Been there? So have we.

And we’ve decided: enough pain. Hiring an intern can be fun, easy and highly-rewarding – if you have the experience, network, university connections and a positive attitude. Like us.

Behold a one-stop solution for enhancing your team with creative young minds – Rent a Gwailo!


  • Hassle-free – we provide our interns with visas, housing and airport pick-up
  • Save time and money – we do all the paperwork, select interns matching your requirements and bring new talent in the record-breaking 10 days.
  • Careful screening process: we make sure our interns have the right character traits and academic performance for the job
  • Fresh views, energy and new young talent in your company – our interns are talented graduates from American, European and local universities, ready to bring in a new perspective and possibilities into your organization
  • Prepared intern – we prepare and mentor interns before and during the internship
  • Extended networking and cooperation platform with leading universities, including HK Poly U.

Interested? Intrigued? Skeptical?  Just pay us a visit at www.rentagwailo.com or drop us a line at info@rentagwailo.com 


 Note: centre o is a strong supporter and sponsor of Rent a Gwailo project. Please contact us with any questions or inquiries.



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