Centre O presents an Evening with Lyoness

Are you looking for more options to lower your tax? Are you looking for more ways to benefit from Lyoness? If your answer is “yes!” to these questions above, Lyoness Evening – is what you need! Brought to you by centre o business centre and Lyoness, we would like to invite you to this event …

Business Lessons To Be Learnt from The Olympics. Lesson One: Impossible Is Nothing

Sports and business have always had a lot in common. To be successful in both, you need stamina, will power, persistence and lots and lots of hard work. So it is quite natural that lessons learnt from sports can help us learn new ones in business. Similarly, formidable achievements in sports are a good source …


(图片) 我们被教导要“对抗”压力,摆脱它,如果可能的话,完全避免它。 我们都有这样的日子,当任务似乎堆积在你身上时,无论你多么努力,压力仍然存在。 然而,压力可能并不是一件坏事。 据《提高幸福感》一书的作者克里斯汀·卡特(Christine Carter)博[…]


(图片) 不久前,我谈到了我的一个朋友,她参加了滑板课程,为她的生​​活增添了更多“新鲜感”。 我还提到我发现她对新体验的探索是多么鼓舞人心,并决定开始我自己的探索。 与此同时,我开始思考:是什么阻止了我以前做这样的事情,我确实从前几天看到的一篇有趣的文章中得[…]

How to Open a Company Bank Account in Hong Kong?

So, you have your company registered, and you are planning to setup a bank account. Ho do you do that? Step One. CALL and make an appointment at the bank of your choice, since most banks in Hong Kong do not handle walk-in clients for company bank account setup. They also do not handle bank …