
碧昂斯著名歌曲《奔跑吧世界》的歌词并没有真正脱离现实。严格来说,只有 33% 的管理职位由女性担任。香港的性别多样性很差,但女性正在扭转这一趋势。他们正在重返自己的事业。家庭主妇或银行职员变成了勤奋的企业家,渴望证明自己能像其他人一样经营企业。 (图片) “实[…]

Women to Run the Professional World

The lyrics of Beyoncé’s famous song “Run the world” are not really away from the reality. Hold tight, only 33% of managerial positions are held by women. Gender diversity is poor in Hong Kong but women are reversing the tendency. They are taking their revenge launching their own business. Housewives or bank officers turned into …


(图片) 在汇丰开设公司账户的公司会注意到汇丰搜索费有所增加。事实上,汇丰决定将他们的公司搜索服务提高 10% 以上,达到1000 港元。  这些上涨的担忧适用于所有公司。 只有在银行批准您的银行账户申请后,才会收取此费用。 然而,对于商业账户,您必须保持每月[…]

HSBC Has Increased Company Search Fee

  Companies that are setting up their company account with HSBC will notice an increase of HSBC search fee. Indeed, HSBC has decided to rise their company search service by more than 10% to reach HK$1000.  These rise concerns apply to all companies. This fee will only be applied when the bank has approved your …

Sad story for the British Businessman and his family’s long-held secret…

Over the past two decades Hong Kong has grown rich as one of Asia’s “tigers”, while the Philppines has stayed less fortunate. Hong Kong is the closest rich economy to the philippines. Nick Cousins, managing director of insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson’s Hong Kong office, and his Flipino partner Herminia Garcia but known to her …


任何企业家都需要一个地方来建立自己的公司。当然,他要考虑面积,还要考虑租金的多少,这是一个不容忽视的参数。事实上,房东可能会(图片)提高价格。最重要的是,香港已成为租金最高的城市之一。根据 2014 年 1 月发布的 Demographic Internati[…]


说到打扮,我们可以为您提供一个超级别致的在线网上商店,提供精美的连衣裙和珠宝。 香港的气温正在上升,这些 WTF 的连衣裙肯定会让你在炎热的时刻看起来很好看。 春季系列令人惊艳,适用于任何肤色。一年中的这个时候,你总是可以依靠完整的花卉幻想来确保季节之间的平稳[…]

The promise of Spring Arrival with our client What the Frock?! or What the Frock is going on for Spring break??

When it comes to dress it up, we can give you a super chic online web store featuring fabulous dresses and jewellery. The temperature is rising in Hong Kong and these WTF frocks will definitely keep you looking good in the heat of the moment. The Spring collection is simply stunning and works beautifully on any …