What should a invitation letter include for China Visa?

The sample of invitation letter for China Visa is shown below:

Date: 2nd March 2016
To the Chinese Consulate:

We would like to invite the following individual to visit China for business purposes:

Name: Peter Johnson
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1970-04-01
Nationality: US Citizen
Passport Number: 12345678

Mr. Johnson is of The Company A
During the visit, he will meet with the office managers of Company B .Mr. Johnson will arrive in Shenzhen on 10th March 2016 and remain for approximately 3 days. He will leave China on 13th March 2016 back to Hong Kong. Since Mr. Johnson is expected to make several trips to China in the near future, we would appreciate it if you could issue him a multiple entry business visa.

Mr. Johnson will be financially responsible for his visit, including round-trip train ticket, room and board and other travel expenses.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.


Marry Chan & company chop

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