Are You Drinking Safe Water?

Safe drinking water

Having a water filter in your home or office seems like a safe choice and a good way to have drinking water at your disposal at any time.

However, there may be hidden dangers that some filters can not cope with.

This is why home-safety expert Cheryl Luptowski suggests: “Check your city’s annual water report and chose the filters that are certified for removing chemicals that are common for your area’s water.

The most common culprits are:


High amounts in water can cause lung damage comparable to decades of smoking tobacco; exposure to even low to moderate amounts can impair lung function.

This material, used in water pipes, can cause a buildup of amyloid beta, a protein that appears to spark brain changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

It kills bacteria, but water treated with this chemical can combine with organic matter, like decaying vegetation, to form trihalomethane—a carcinogen in high levels.

The metal can be picked up by water traveling through service lines (especially in homes built before 1950), potentially risking increased blood pressure and kidney problems.

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